daisy bouquet
daisy bouquet
daisy bouquet &
Feckless Hours
Feckless Hours
NeoFox (Producer)
Bagel (PMC)
What The PUP! &
Crrease & Ilysian
They don't have to hear you
When they ask what's on your mind
They don't have to see you
When they leave you all behind
They don't have to notice
When you lay alone at night
Asking for you-
Listen here you little shit mom says it's my turn to use the studio
Dude just 5 more minutes, please like I have to finish this song
Do you think I care, I'm trying to finish my song for the PENIS MUSIC COLLECTIVE so shut the fuck up and give me my fucking computer
Dude stop, stop, please no
[Verse 1]
I'm getting cum all over your pants
I'm getting sеmen all over your hands (what the fuck?)
Yеah you're showing me your gorgeous size (??)
Imma take that thing and give it a slap (slap)
When i'm not sleeping with a man
I'm tryin' to fuck this soda can (ow, ooh)
When we're not having sex all day
Dude just get out of my house like i don't even want to see you anymore why are you still here leave i'm not gonna buy you dinner
[Verse 2]
You act like i care about you
I don't have to talk if i don't want to
After this i know i won't remember you
You're the fourth this week? it's just what i like to do
You're a thot with a fucking slow thought process
My dick's gonna make you feel so obsessed
Cause it's big so i never have to try to impress
When we're done imma leave you in this big fucking mess
Alright are you done now?
Yeah I guess
OK Cool
Hard Rock Cock was written by What The PUP!.
Hard Rock Cock was produced by What The PUP!.
What The PUP! released Hard Rock Cock on Fri Feb 28 2020.