There’s a girl who fought for space
Because she couldn’t stand the room
She needed fireworks ablaze
In open skies exploding
To light the rails and change her chase
She burned her house to roman glass
And shook the scales to wake the wolf
Ruminate remove the past
Into piles of hard dying time
She’s a roller-skate stomach first time
She’s the belly of winter in the summertime
Don’t give yourself away
In open skies exploding
Would you blink it away, blink me away?
I’d light the rails and change this chase
I’d burn this house to roman glass
And shook the scales to wake the wolf
Ruminate remove the past
Into piles of hard dying time
Well, lay down, lay down
A bullet’s got to land
I can’t come with you where you’re going
But I never left till now
Remember our songs, they were worth a lifetime
Remember a lifetime with random acts of love
The idea of you still lingers
It is perfect and it’s flawed
It is flawed magnificent
Magnificently so
We’d light the rails and change the chase
We burned the house to roman glass
And shake the walls to wake the wolf
Ruminate remove the past
Into piles of hard dying time