The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
The Handsome Family
[Verse 1]
Good Doctor Brown
He fell in love
With a girl with sleeves
Of such rosy silk
But her dark eyes roved away
Away, away
Like the soaring gulls
On the wine-dark sea
[Verse 2]
One night he begged
She'd be his bride
But she said "No
It cannot be
Just like the gulls
With their hungry cries
I love you less
The wine-dark tide
[Verse 3]
How he did brood
On such cruel words
And those rosy sleeves
Of shining silk
He took a rock
And threw it high
And knocked a gull
From the wine-dark sky
[Verse 4]
In twilight dusk
In a black eel ditch
The doctor burned
Wormwood and pitch
And with a fist
Of graveyard dirt
He begged the night
For that wine-dark heart
[Verse 5]
There she came
With those rosy sleeves
To touch his lips
With such a wine-dark kiss
His black top hat
To the breeze it went
And his flapping arms
Grew feathered thick
His face is stretched
To a sharpened beak
And how he screeched
To feel the wine-dark wind
But though he flapped
And fought to fly
Those rosy sleeves
Held them oh so tight