The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
The Armed
Always impatient
Purpose waning
Now is the perfect time
Our equity
Witness of the decline
Never let down
Keep making noise
I say
You say
It's all one
I say
You say
Everything is dead
This is a pulpit
I am a preacher
I have nothing to say
There is no moral
Only contest
All of it shades of gray
Never let down
Excess has cast our die
This is where I draw the line
It's a portrait of good times
With bad fashion in tow
But exposure's not influence
So shine a light on them
Nothing but cowards
Future Drugs was produced by Kurt Ballou.
The Armed released Future Drugs on Tue Jun 23 2015.