Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson
It's okay, I'll be coming home soon
I'm no good at living the way I do
And I'll change, I think that I have found the way through
I mean it this time, mean it good & true
A new bowl of fresh fruit
A clean slate & a brand new suit
A new heart rate that beats for you
Dig out the old dead roots
Served me love on a plate & all the food I thankfully ate
A new bowl of fresh fruit
The spirals I spun went underground for miles
I gave into the trials upon these isles
No more useless excuses now
They're see through, they hold no water just doubt
Fresh Fruit was written by Dave McPherson.
Fresh Fruit was produced by Michael Curtis.