Frank's Track by Kanye West (Ft. Frank Ocean)
Frank's Track by Kanye West (Ft. Frank Ocean)

Frank’s Track

Kanye West & Frank Ocean * Track #14 On The Life of Pablo

Frank’s Track Lyrics

[Verse: Frank Ocean]
The rings all ringed out
Burn out, cave in
Blackened to dark out
I'm mixed now, fleshed out
There's light with no heat
We cooled out, it's cool out
Life is precious
We found out, we found out
We found out

Frank’s Track Q&A

Who wrote Frank’s Track's ?

Frank’s Track was written by Sinjin Hawke & Cashmere Cat & Frank Ocean & Kanye West.

Who produced Frank’s Track's ?

Frank’s Track was produced by Sinjin Hawke & Cashmere Cat & Kanye West.

When did Kanye West release Frank’s Track?

Kanye West released Frank’s Track on Tue Mar 15 2016.

Have Kanye West and Frank Ocean collaborated before?

Yes, the two previously collaborated officially on the August 2011 tracks, “No Church in the Wild” and “Made in America.” Frank previously supplied vocals to Kanye’s June 2013 track, “New Slaves.”

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