“Fractions” is a diss track composed in 2021 by Jesse Jett. The track is a response/commentary regarding a liberal news outlet called “TYT Network” which originally gained popularity through identifying as a progressive outlet. The catalyzing event prompting this track was a clip in which TYT’s top...
Calling every faux synthetic leftist and progressive lover
Summoning the simps of all the squad-adjacent, opportunist, two-faced Copsuckers
Paging every Democratic Yes-Man
In possession of a smoother brain than those who hide behind the Biden's Stutter
Welcome to the super-edgy independent news that you can trust when we say we don’t sell our standards out like all the others
Trust us when we tеll you that we’re looking out for working class America
Holding all thе powerful accountable
Trust us when we tell you that a host of vital truths are being covered
When , honestly, the truth is being smothered
By a couple disingenuous hacks, sent to act in bad faith by big brother
And start smearing every journalist who bears the credibility they covet from their gilded fucking neoliberal centerpiece
Air out all their jealousy and spite like it might yield them some validity, or paint a coat of pity over all of their acidity
But they’ve been busy cozied up to every war pig living between here and the infinity
Albright, Biden, Obama, god, that’s gotta take the trophy for unholiest of trinities
Hope you didn’t come to witness anything resembling integrity
That’s been long abandoned
Now we see integrity as often as Atlantis
Now they only toe the line and read what they’ve been handed
Safe to say if Cenk sunk any lower he’d be deeper than the Marrianis
TYT will tell you how opinions aren’t the facts, unless they’re Cenk’s or Ana’s
Since they chose to make a living out of licking boots and shilling, you can bet they make a killing
TYT is proud to say they traded all their spines away to empty out the til and tell themselves it’s decent work, and it’s an honest tilling
Me I see they found a way to rape the willing
Me I read between the lines and in the script I see the signs that those who fund their message down to every filthy dime would gladly bleed a human sea if it prevents a drop of oil spilling
Yet, somehow they portray themselves the heart of the progressive movement
The loudest voices calling for some unity with those who built careers around destroying unions
Which might be true, since unity is something truly useless and symbolic like a stale communion
As tasteless as the times they tried to fight back smiles smearing Julian
And I hope Cenk and Ana listen up, and listen well
You’ll never be a fraction of the journalist Assange has been, even from his cell
All the filth you spread around, you spread it on yourself
That’s my time, Fuck you twice
See you both in hell
Fractions (TYT Diss) was written by Jesse Jett.
Fractions (TYT Diss) was produced by Jesse Jett.
Jesse Jett released Fractions (TYT Diss) on Thu May 27 2021.