​fardels bear by ​fuvk
​fardels bear by ​fuvk

​fardels bear

​fuvk * Track #2 On something deliberate

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​fardels bear by ​fuvk

Release Date
Mon Aug 22 2016
Performed by
Produced by
Writed by

​fardels bear Lyrics

[Chorus 1]
Hey fardels bear
Would you let me share
Anything I want to say to you tonight
You're the only one who cares

[Chorus 2]
Hey fardels bear
Are you aware
You're the bringer of release and mercy, absolution
To a world that's dying here

[Verse 1]
My sadness is your honey, a gold confession
Grab a cup, and drink it slowly, it's not going anywhere

If someone could tell me that heaven won’t sell me out
I’d race them to the finish line
If only if only I’d learned to be lonely
I’d have shown myself out

But he said...

[Verse 2]
I will listen to your fears
Take away the voices from your little ears
And give you back the dreams that
Turned to nightmares, aspirations born of despair
Cloaked in daydreams, drifting through the unsuspecting air
I'll be your new age mental love affair

[Chorus 3]
Hey fardels bear
Are you still there?
Can I tell you all the things I don't want
Anybody else to ever hear

You know that you're the reason I'm still here

Hey fardels bear
*Hey fardels bear*
Hey fardels bear
*Hey fardels bear*
Hey fardels bear
Hey fardels bear

​fardels bear Q&A

Who wrote ​fardels bear's ?

​fardels bear was written by ​fuvk.

Who produced ​fardels bear's ?

​fardels bear was produced by ​fuvk.

When did ​fuvk release ​fardels bear?

​fuvk released ​fardels bear on Mon Aug 22 2016.

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