Explanations & Misinflations by Canibus
Explanations & Misinflations by Canibus

Explanations & Misinflations

Canibus * Track #19 On Fait Accompli (Deluxe Edition)

Explanations & Misinflations Lyrics

Hey good afternoon how you all doing
We're doing good
Hope you're doing the same
The your zone is bowing out to Spain and
Our Dow was down over a hundred around
Around an hour ago uh is the powers that
Be it seems like they're waiting for
Everybody all currencies to fail do you
Think the powers that they are are
Homeless back and so everybody's in in
Dire Straits you know they we were told
That uh
Maybe it's just not bad enough the
People that are holding this up are
Waiting for somеthing to happen maybe it
Doesn't look bad еnough for them and I
Don't know that that's true but you just
Hit something on the head there that
We've talked about before if they're
Holding it up and it was good then it
Must be ready if they're holding it up
And it keeps getting worse the longer
They wait then maybe it just isn't bad
Enough for them to let go whatever
They're trying to do I don't know it's
It's um again back to that quandary of
Where we all sit you know
Um yeah it just seems to me that every
Country's starting to fail now I mean
Everywhere everywhere you look from the
Country and come down
So they didn't want that to happen let
Me ask you this if they didn't want that
To happen wouldn't they want to hurry up
And get it over with but if they did
Want it to happen and it keeps getting
Worse isn't that maybe what their target
I don't know I think that especially if
It's going to be a
A whole world reset if you know what I'm
Talking about maybe everybody has to go
Down for everybody to be even
They're absolutely making money while
They're waiting or they wouldn't be
That makes good sense too huh
Well and the only reason I'm saying it
Is because it makes it makes sense to me
I don't know it's true but you know we
Are being told that you know there's no
Way they're losing while we're waiting
Or they do it and they being whoever you
Want to call them I don't like tagging
Names to them like the dirty little
Secret or any of these other things
Because I don't know who they really are
I think they even fake out who they are
So my point is the person that's
Controlling this right now persons
Entities trust companies whatever you
Want to call them whoever they are if
They were losing they'd hurry up and get
It done so they must be making while
We're waiting or they wouldn't be
Waiting even if they're just making in
Some power structure and not financially
But there there's some benefit to them
Or they would not be waiting and that's
Why I have to go back to that point of
No in my opinion absolutely positively
Not because the people we're talking
About don't even give them the respect
To look at them they're nothing to these
People we're talking about we're talking
About the ultimate powers that be right
Now that are actually holding all this
Up whatever that is and so there's no
Way some
Nobody like some of the people I just
Said or some of the people I'm not going
To say have anything to do with this
When the powers are too much stronger in
My opinion and you just hit it on the
Head when you said what are we waiting
For it's getting so bad well maybe they
Want it worse otherwise they'd have it
Done by now so just something to think
About again I could be wrong
Oh well I just after that call her she
She just kind of hit on what I was
Asking you know there's some people out
There I believe that want to not on the
Way to the economy falls apart but I
Mean what about all that you know the
Elephants in the room with the war over
There they're trying to build up with
Going on
You know the sanctions that are putting
On Iran and all that is affecting this
Currency evaluation I would think
Um and then maybe some of the other
Things like um you know voting the
United States too to go on the U.N
Treaty to take away the guns and and
Assess a lot of things that um that I
Feel like that we're not getting a clear
Picture on what what it's really going
To be like regardless of everything you
Can have you can have money but if you
Don't have any security it doesn't
Um it's
Um is already difficult enough to have a
Precarious security situation just
Having money
And um but I just
I'm just knowing that the mo of these
People I just don't agree that they're
That this machine is going to come at a
Uh after until after you know all hell
Breaks loose before you know you know
Before you see anything there's nothing
You can really put your your finger on
Other than if you really understand if
You try to dig deep and try to figure
Out how this power stroke is put
Together you know you would think
They're autonomous and they're really
You know I've I've seen them from what I
Understand they can they have some
Control and then there's all kind of
Ways they manipulate
Things to make it look like
Everybody's operating on different page
But they they really following the same
Tune behind the scenes you know I don't
I just want to make a comment on it
What are your guys thoughts on that
No I I don't have any
It's just you know a lot of things have
Been going on and I think there's things
That people you know look at and um
Uh it's you know there is a lot of
Things you know some people were
Referring to
This uh thing with the UN and I'll refer
To it that way but the bottom line is
Um things that are being signed go back
A number of
Um offices and in other words were
Started and renewed under two other
Presidents and are just being renewed
And the you know and they tried to stop
Them in the past they weren't and I
Apologize the reason why I'm not talking
A lot you can hear the noise in the back
And uh they're building an addition so
All I can hear is the saws back there so
I hope they're not coming across the
Microphone but the bottom line is
Everything else is
Um is you know is is real it's going to
Be continuing it's going to continue to
Move forward at its Pace I don't believe
It's something that's gonna you know
Disappear on us and
Um you know and
Hey you know we we can only keep dealing
With it with the trying to get that back
To reality it's interesting and I'm kind
Of stumbling around here because I'm
Trying to avoid certain things but as
You sit and look at a lot of things that
We're hearing and it's and all we're
Doing is it's kind of like and you've
Heard me use illustration of the three
Block or four blind men who walked into
An elephant each of them gave a totally
Different story and that's what we're
Trying to do we're trying to ascertain
What's real and what's not and we do
Know that what we're looking at is real
Do we have all the pieces to the timing
No you know we don't so we're just gonna
Have to wait and watch but when it does
We'll all be glad that we've been
Sitting here waiting
Can I say something else
The main thing I was wanted to say was
That I just feel like the conclusion of
That uh what the powers will be or all
About and everything when you study them
All in those
Um it just seems that
With all the things the dirty things
They've done you know they basically you
Know I just feel like there's something
Sinister that's coming before you you
Know it hits and it won't really matter
And and maybe they're waiting on that
Too in him all I'm saying is that you
Know I think you can wipe out the rest
Of July and rest of August at least and
Um what I mean is is that
Um they these people just aren't
Aren't Santa Claus they're just they're
Not the Tooth Fairy they're not ready to
You know everything has a sentence to
Purpose after a while even you know
Um what I mean is it's just
We you can't count on
Trying to trying to predict that
Particular thing when there's so many
Other things that that are they can
Affect it what I mean is that you're a
Chess player aren't you yes sir you got
To look at the whole board I'm a chess
Fanatic you know and
Um I'm just saying that
When you see the whole picture the whole
Picture is not always where we're
Waiting on this we're waiting on this we
We also
Um looking at what the enemy is that
About to do in order to
You know pull that football up in front
Of you before you know like Linus and
But um anyway I just wanted to make that
Point because I just don't feel like
That's being emphasized enough we're
Trying to sugarcoat too much we need to
Be real about you know the the threats
That are out there especially within its
Own borders of our own country
You know you know
Okay that's all I have
A good test a good test
But I'm just going to give one more bit
Of information I know some people sent
Some information to me and said hey
We've got another issue here where
There's an executive order giving you
Know the president control over you know
Or the federal government control over
All forms of communication under any
And a lot of people say hey we got to go
In there we got to try to block this you
Know the vote was coming down Friday
July 6 you know of this month and
Um it's interesting because if you
Really understand the history that
Executive order was put in place by LBJ
Um and again it was renewed under Carter
It was renewed under Clinton so the
Point is a lot of times because of our
Paradigm our perspective or what our
Expectations are we see something and we
Look at it and we say oh this is just
Being done right now because of this
Event or an event that we have
Expectations for and I'm saying not
Is you know is so Sinister I guess is
What I'm trying to say and there are
Things going on there are negative
Things and I think we have to be aware
Uh and really study things and
Understand you know where they're coming
From why they're being put in place and
Also make sure that we have checks and
Balances that's what our government's
Always been about

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