(It's entertainment)
[Verse 1]
You tell me you're all but uptight
Come on, tell me what you don't
Do you get off on my type?
Maybe it's the saxophone
If I could change it, if I could take it
Baby, hot loving
Angel, sugar, honey, you're chasing
Can you taste it?
Get some more of it
Maybe it's nothing I'm craving
It's entertainment
[Verse 2]
You better count your luck twice
Three, they get nice, uh-huh
Boy, it's too late for "goodnight"
Your mama's waiting in the car
If I could change it, if I could take it
Baby, hot loving
Angel, sugar, honey, you're chasing
Can you taste it?
Get some more of it
Maybe it's nothing I'm craving
It's entertainment
[Verse 3]
Entertain me all night
It's entertainment
You got me changing my mind
Come on, you're feigning
(Ballyhoo) Find a replacement
(Ballyhoo) 'Cause I’m on vacation
If I could change it, if I could take it
Baby, hot loving
Angel, sugar, honey, you're chasing
Can you taste it?
Get some more of it
Maybe it's nothing I'm craving
It's entertainment
If I could change it (Entertainment)
If I could take it (Entertainment)
If I could change it (Entertainment)
Baby, hot loving
Honey, goodbye
It's entertainment
Entertainment was written by David Carriere & Marci.
Entertainment was produced by David Carriere & Marci.
Marci released Entertainment on Tue Mar 29 2022.
‘Entertainment’ is having fun flirting with life, with lust, or without purpose. Its conception was uncomplicated, we took parts from a song that was proving difficult to finish, added some new ingredients and it came out like cake.