Patrick Rossey
Patrick Rossey
Patrick Rossey
Patrick Rossey
Patrick Rossey
Ecosystems and their functioning Define the term ecology Explain what an ecosystem is Explain why ecosystems are described as 'systems through which incoming solar energy is captured and channelled through a hierarchy of life forms'
Outline how ecosystems are classified
Define the term ecotone. Why do they often have greater levels of biodiversity compared to normal ecosystems?
Describe the biosphere
Describe the ecosphere. What are its components?
Define what is meant by these ecological terms: population, species, habitat and community
Evaluation Criteria - Management strategies for ecosystems - pg. 47 Describe what objective measures of environmental management consider Explain what an environmental audit is Contrast conservation and preservation
Define the term exploitation
Define utilisation of resources
Describe what intergenerational and intragenerational equity involve
Explain the concept of the precautionary principle
Outline the methods humans can use to minimise their impact on the environment
Indigenous management strategies - page 50 Describe the nature of the relationship that indigenous people have with the biophysical environment Outline the goals and objectives of ecosystem management in traditional societies
Outline the ways in which indigenous people manipulated and managed ecosystems and list the strategies used by Aboriginal people to conserve species
Outline the impact that the Australian Aboriginals' management practices had on the Australian environment
Describe how the accumulated experience of indigenous people has been passed form one generation to the next. Why has some of this knowledge been lost? What must occur if indigenous people are to continue practising their management philosophy
Explain how we can ensure that the knowledge and experience of indigenous people will be available to future generations
Changing Environmental Attitudes - page 53 Outline the changing social attitudes towards ecosystem management Explain why Green politics has become such a powerful force
Traditional management of the Great Barrier Reef - page 104 Outline the relationship between indigenous people and the Great Barrier Reef Explain how Native title has changed the way the Great Barrier Reef has changed Describe the role of the Indigenous Partnerships Liaison Unit
Contemporary management of the Great Barrier Reef - page 106 Outline, in brief, the main agencies that have a role in the management of the Great Barrier Reef Describe the extent of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Explain how the islands within the park are protected
Explain why the Great Barrier Reef Zoning Plan can be considered to demonstrate intragenerational equity and intergenerational equity
Describe how boat anchor damage is being managed on the reef
Contemporary management of the Great Barrier Reef Part 2 - page 107 Explain the role of tourism in protecting the Great Barrier Reef Outline the methods that are being used to reduce the impact of pontoons and boats on the reef Outline the potential threats that tourists can pose to sea birds
Describe how the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service protects sea bird colonies
Explain why the restriction placed on whale and turtle watching operations to reduce their impacts
Describe the purpose of the Reef Water Quality Protection Reef Plan