Robin Williams
Shelley Duvall
Robin Williams
Thomas Pierson
Robert Fortier
The Citizens Of Sweet Haven
Robin Williams
Robin Williams & Shelley Duvall
Ray Walston &
Shelley Duvall
“Big” John Wallace
Ray Walston
Robin Williams
We walked in clouds up there, remember?
Looking for each other, didn't we?
Didn’t we?
I forget the place
Was New York in June
Moonlight in New York
Such a wonderful affair
You'll hold my hand in mine, and yours, didn't we?
Someone, someone didn’t care
I like to think I'm yours
Away, away, and not forgotten
Didn't we, you and me
Didn't we?
Here you were mine
My heart bleeds for everyone
Take it or leave me, it's not enough
But darlin', do you recall
My Funny Valentine
Didn't we?
Dance with me
Leave it all behind
Like we did before
When you were mine
Sleep, sleep, sleep, my darlin'
Will you be mine?
Oh, didn’t we?
We walked through the stars, hand in hand, remember?
Something over the rainbow
You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine
Didn't we?
It isn’t easy, being me and you in your room
You turn on the lights, I'll turn off the phone
We held each other tight
Didn't we?
Oh, didn't we?
Din’ We was written by Harry Nilsson.
Din’ We was produced by Harry Nilsson.