Dig a Pony by The Beatles
Dig a Pony by The Beatles

Dig a Pony

The Beatles * Track #2 On Let It Be

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Dig a Pony by The Beatles

Release Date
Fri May 08 1970
Performed by
The Beatles
Produced by
Phil Spector
Writed by
Lennon-McCartney & John Lennon

The version of “Dig a Pony” that made it to Let It Be was the take they did of it on the famous rooftop concert, although there are a studio version in Anthology 3 and Let It Be… Naked, which begin with the words “All I Want Is…”, something that Phil Spector cut from the record.

In a 1972 interview...

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Dig a Pony Lyrics

[Verse 1]
I dig a pony
Well, you can celebrate anything you want
Yes, you can celebrate anything you want
I do a road hog
Well, you can penetrate any place you go
Yes, you can penetrate any place you go
I told you so

All I want is you
Everything has got to be just like you want it to

[Verse 2]
I pick a moon dog
Well, you can radiate everything you are
Yes, you can radiate everything you are
Oh, now
I roll a stoney
Well, you can imitate everyone you know
Yes, you can imitate everyone you know
I told you so

All I want is you
Everything has got to be just like you want it to

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
Oh, now
I feel the wind blow
Well, you can indicate everything you see
Yes, you can indicate anything you see
Oh, now
I load a lorry
Well, you can syndicate any boat you row
Yeah, you can syndicate any boat you row
I told you so

All I want is you
Everything has got to be just like you want it to


Dig a Pony Q&A

Who wrote Dig a Pony's ?

Dig a Pony was written by Lennon-McCartney & John Lennon.

Who produced Dig a Pony's ?

Dig a Pony was produced by Phil Spector.

When did The Beatles release Dig a Pony?

The Beatles released Dig a Pony on Fri May 08 1970.

Where can I find the meaning of "Dig a Pony" en español?

Letra de Dig a pony en español de The Beatles


Letra de 'Dig a pony (en español)' de The Beatles. (Me gustan los ponys), Me gustan los ponis, Puedes celebrar lo que... Aquí encontrarás la letra completa de Dig a pony (en español) interpretada por The Beatles, además tendrás acceso al r...

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What did The Beatles say about "Dig a Pony"?

I was just having fun with words. It was literally a nonsense song. You just take words and you stick them together, and you see if they have any meaning. Some of them do and some of them don’t.

– John Lennon, 1972

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