Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
[Dark Mark] I started crying
[Mikey Mike] Jesus Christ! Keep going
[Dark Mark] To say I'm going to miss you is the greatest understatement in the world. Yours always, me, sad face emoji. Devastated, depressed, defeated, drained, helpless, exhausted (Dude, I miss you), tired, spent, mistreated, misled, taken for granted, (I love you so much because I knew you wouldn't leave at any point) hopeless, wrong, slided, fucked around and over, ignored, dismissed, (Just the touch your hand, or your finger on mine) and by the way, thank you. Next, you are a loveless, emotionally underdeveloped, needy, approval seeking individual, filled with issues. I am happy to take a step back, if you are feeling overwhelmed
[Mikey Mike] I wonder if she was?
[Dark Mark] Have a great weekend. Sad face emoji, times two
Dark Mark Love Drones was written by Dark Mark & Mikey Mike.
Mikey Mike released Dark Mark Love Drones on Fri Aug 30 2019.