Chapel Hill Jazz by SkyBlew
Chapel Hill Jazz by SkyBlew

Chapel Hill Jazz

SkyBlew * Track #15 On The Extended Walk Home

Chapel Hill Jazz Lyrics

A son of a wise man told me I should leave it in God’s hands
Home seem further when your path was not planned
Living on a dream and a prayer
Pain cuts deep but I got a extra layer
Blew a true player, you dudes on the sideline
Checking out the artist, better follow my guidelines, look
I’m getting older and wiser in the mind
Think beyond this world, I’m where the stars align
In fine print, why sign in this line defined
By rhymes of mine that I let God combine, let’s go

Chapel Hill Jazz Q&A

Who wrote Chapel Hill Jazz's ?

Chapel Hill Jazz was written by Mario Farrow.

Who produced Chapel Hill Jazz's ?

Chapel Hill Jazz was produced by Keor Meteor.

When did SkyBlew release Chapel Hill Jazz?

SkyBlew released Chapel Hill Jazz on Tue Sep 13 2011.

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