Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Jupiter Sunrise
Casey caught my sleeve when it was hard for me to be alone
The hem of my sweater was just a couple of threads and when it
Started to unravel you twirled them in your hand
Casey, hold my hand again when I can't turn away
I'm longing for innocence, but now we know our age
Down at the mummers' play you brought your camera
You turned to me and then I saw my reflection
I saw myself just as I was when I lived life a little more each day
Doin' everythin' I was doin' more fearlessly
Now we know..
Casey hold my hand again when I can't turn away
I'm longing for innocence, but you're too young for me