Bottle Rocket Scene 8 by Wes Anderson (Ft. Owen Wilson)
Bottle Rocket Scene 8 by Wes Anderson (Ft. Owen Wilson)

Bottle Rocket Scene 8

Wes Anderson & Owen Wilson * Track #8 On Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket Scene 8 Annotated


[Dignan's hidden in some bushes, watching the Hinckley Cold Storage building with binoculars. Anthony's crouched beside him taking notes in a notebook.]

DIGNAN: OK. Man in blue jeans just left by southwest door. He is entering a white van. What time is it?

ANTHONY: Eleven fifteen.

DIGNAN: OK. Mark that down.


[Dignan keeps watching through the binoculars. He suddenly looks back at Anthony.]

DIGNAN: God. Isn't this great? Working on the job. Got a wheel man. Got a safecracker. Good friends with Mr. Henry.

ANTHONY: Yeah. It's pretty good.

DIGNAN: It's like we've finally arrived.

[Anthony nods. He's writing something.]

DIGNAN: What are you writing?

[Anthony shows him a little flip cartoon of a guy pole vaulting.]


[We see the team assembled around a table. They're drinking
coffee and looking at pictures, charts, maps, diagrams,
tools. Dignan passes out some walkie talkies. They test out some smoke cannisters on the roof. Dignan throws one down. They all run for cover. Applejack and Dignan drive fast through a slalom course in a deserted parking lot. We see Kumar working on a safe. He wears a stethoscope and listens to the tumblers. He turns the dial. Dignan is timing him with a stopwatch. Kumar opens the safe. He looks at Dignan. Dignan nods with a serious expression on his face.]


[Anthony and Mr. Henry are jogging along railroad tracks in
the warehouse district. Anthony wears a blue T-shirt and
shorts. Mr. Henry looks like a boxer in grey sweats with the
hood up and a crisp white towel wrapped around his neck and
tucked into his sweat top. He's wearing black Chuck Taylors.
They've both got smooth running styles, though every twenty
yards or so Mr. Henry rolls his shoulders and gives a quick
flurry of punches. An older woman rides a bicycle across the
tracks. She's not pretty, but she's got a strong face.
Pioneer stock.]

MR. HENRY: Look at that woman. She's what? Fifty? Fifty-five? But she hasn't let herself go. I appreciate an older woman who has a commitment to her body.


[They watch her ride down the street.]

MR. HENRY: Tell me something. What the hell kind of name is Dignan?

ANTHONY: I'm not really sure. I think it's Irish. Or maybe --

MR. HENRY: I guess what I'm trying to say is what the hell kind of person is this Dignan?

ANTHONY: What do you mean what kind of person? He's a good person.

MR. HENRY: Sure, sure. He's a great person, and I'd call bullshit on anybody who said differently. But I wonder if the kid has the goods *taps his temple* up here.

ANTHONY *long pause*: I don't think you're giving him enough credit. I know sometimes he doesn't think an idea through. He gets too excited. But --

MR. HENRY: As far as I can tell he hasn't thought his life through. He'd be fine cutting my grass or parking my car. But business? *looks at Anthony* You I can work with. You I could groom. Dignan's not going to make it.

[Anthony stops running. Mr. Henry stops ahead of him and looks back, jogging in place. Pause.]

ANTHONY: You're wrong about Dignan.

[Mr. Henry stops jogging in place.]

ANTHONY: And you're wrong if you think, I'd turn my back on a friend.

MR. HENRY: Hold it.

[Mr. Henry walks to Anthony and puts his hand on his shoulder. Anthony knocks it off.]

MR. HENRY: Anthony. I say one thing to you.

[Mr. Henry looks Anthony right in the eye.]

MR. HENRY: Congratulations. You passed the test.

ANTHONY: What do you mean?

MR. HENRY: The Abe Henry double-cross test. You just made a perfect score.

[Anthony has to recover.]

ANTHONY: That was a test?

MR. HENRY: Take a deep breath.

[Anthony takes a deep breath. Mr. Henry massages Anthony's shoulders. He takes Anthony's head in his arms and does a quick pull to one side: cracks his neck. Then the other side.]

MR. HENRY: How does that feel?

ANTHONY: It feels good.

[Anthony rubs his hands on his neck and moves his head around.]

ANTHONY: Did Dignan take the test?

MR. HENRY *pause*: Yes, he did.

ANTHONY: How'd he do?

[They start jogging again.]

MR. HENRY: Well, he agreed 100% that Bob should be dropped. And he also agreed you were a liability. But he felt his talent would make up for your weaknesses.

ANTHONY: That sounds like Dignan.

[They veer away from the tracks, picking up the pace, and head into a field toward Mr. Henry's warehouse.]


[They're having a party at Mr. Henry's warehouse. There are tables and a BBQ on the roof, with white Christmas lights strung up and music playing. Anthony, Dignan, Bob, Kumar, and Mr. Henry are there. Plus a couple of young GIRLS, eighteen or nineteen years old. Mr. Henry's got a name tag that says, Hi, my name is Mr. Henry. Everyone's mingling on the rooftop. Rowboat is at the grill. Applejack comes up the stairs with a grocery bag under his arm.]

MR. HENRY: Woah. There he is. Applejack! What it is.

[Mr. Henry and Applejack shake hands.]

APPLEJACK: Is my car OK out there?

MR. HENRY: I love it. He always wants to know if the car's OK. Get a hot dog.

APPLEJACK: I don't eat pork.

MR. HENRY: Super K. Kumar. Come here.

[Mr. Henry goes over to Kumar and throws his arm around him.]

APPLEJACK: I don't know why the fuck we're having a party. The damn job's not over yet.

DIGNAN: Well, this isn't really a party per se.

APPLEJACK: You don't celebrate til it's over.


[Dignan's solemn for a minute. He takes a bite of a hot dog.]

APPLEJACK: What the fuck are you doing?

[Dignan hesitates. He takes the hot dog away from his mouth. He's embarassed. Applejack shakes his head, disgusted. He walks away.]

ROWBOAT: What was that all about?

DIGNAN: Ramedan.

[Anthony and Mr. Henry are standing together in a doorway. Mr. Henry's got a martini.]

MR. HENRY: I'll tell you, Anthony. Times like this I get philosophical. What does it mean? What's it all about? Are you afraid to die?


MR. HENRY: No, that door over there.

ANTHONY: I don't want to die.

MR. HENRY: Are you afraid?

ANTHONY: Yeah. I mean, I don't think about it all the time. But once in awhile I kind of go, Woah. Man.

MR. HENRY: Exactly. Woah.


MR. HENRY: The fear of death, The pain of consciousness. *taking a sip* Did you mix this martini?

ANTHONY: No. Bob did.

MR. HENRY: Bob. Bob. That's a palindrome. *laughs uproariously* I love palindromes.

ANTHONY: Are you afraid to die, Mr. Henry?

MR. HENRY *looks right at him*: Anthony, I'm petrified.

[Bob is talking to the other girl.]

BOB: Is that sugarless gum you're chewing?

GIRL 2: I'm not chewing gum.

BOB: Would you like a piece?

GIRL 2 *smiles brightly*: Sure. Thanks.

[Kumar and Applejack are sitting at a table.]

KUMAR: If someone could copy my life story. If I had someone, man, to just write what I talk. I have so many stories. Bestseller, man.

APPLEJACK: I've been all over the Goddamn country. I've seen things.

KUMARL I used to go to Vegas and do headstands.

APPLEJACK: No kidding.

KUMAR: Easy.

[Kumar does a handstand.]


[Anthony, Dignan, and Bob are sitting at the table in Mr. Henry's office. Dignan's got plans and diagrams spread out. There's music playing in the next room and we can hear people talking outside the door.]

DIGNAN: Come on, Bob.

BOB: I know it, man. Hang on.

DIGNAN: Jesus Christ.

ANTHONY: Give him a second.

BOB: Hopscotch. The code name is hopscotch.


[Mr. Henry looks in the door. He's got a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle and empty glasses in the other.]

MR. HENRYL Join the party, fellas.

DIGNANL We're just going over a few things.

[Mr. Henry looks at the plans on the table. He sets down the three glasses and pours some wine.]

MR. HENRY: I'll tell you something, Dignan. It is possible to overplan. You don't want to turn the crew into robots. Right?

[Dignan nods seriously.]

MR. HENRY: You got to have fun with it. There's no point if you're not having any fun. Would you like me to be there tomorrow?


MR. HENRY *immediately*: Why?

DIGNAN: Well, I think --

MR. HENRY: No, if I go out on this job, then it's just another score by Mr. Henry. And I don't see it like that. This is your job. Your creation. I want you to try this.

[They all try the wine. Mr. Henry watches their reactions.]

ANTHONY: This is good.

MR. HENRY: I want to ask a favor, boys. One day, when I'm long gone and all but forgotten, make one last toast to Abe Henry. And remember me as a friend.

[They drink.]

Bottle Rocket Scene 8 Q&A

When did Wes Anderson release Bottle Rocket Scene 8?

Wes Anderson released Bottle Rocket Scene 8 on Tue Dec 22 1998.

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