Better Let You Know by Oasis
Better Let You Know by Oasis

Better Let You Know

Oasis * Track #7 On Forgotten Glory (Bootleg)

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Better Let You Know by Oasis

Release Date
Wed Jan 01 1992
Performed by
Produced by
Writed by
Serge Ramaekers

“Better Let You Know” is an Oasis demo from 1992 that never got an official release. The song partly covers the song “Feel The Groove” by Cartouche.

Better Let You Know Lyrics

I better let you know, it's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart
I better let you know, It's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart

I better let you know, it's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart
I better let you know, It's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart

I better let you know, it's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart
I better let you know, It's time for you to go
You're gonna break my heart

Better Let You Know Q&A

Who wrote Better Let You Know's ?

Better Let You Know was written by Serge Ramaekers.

Who produced Better Let You Know's ?

Better Let You Know was produced by Oasis.

When did Oasis release Better Let You Know?

Oasis released Better Let You Know on Wed Jan 01 1992.

What did Oasis say about "Better Let You Know"?

In a Q magazine interview (July 1995), Noel briefly mentioned the song whilst talking about his first Oasis gig.

There was about 20 people there and we did four songs [including] a cover of a house tune that I can’t remember the name of and went on for about 20 minutes.

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