Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
Wild Nothing
[Verse 1]
It's a sound I know so well
A thousand voices bleeding into one
Listening to lovers talk
I only dream of ordinary things
The moon is low tonight
(Any time of night)
And I bend to keep myself in line
(Any time of night)
[Verse 2]
Half-awake, I see her face
An angel swinging from a trapeze wire
Sad and lost with curly hair
And chicken feathers strapped against her back
The moon is low tonight
(Any time of night)
And I bend to keep myself in line
(Any time of night)
It's all I want
(Any time of night)
This strange desire come to life
(Any time of night)
(Any time of night)
(Any time of night)
The moon is low tonight
(Any time of night)
And I bend to keep myself in line
(Any time of night)
It's all I want
(Any time of night)
A strange desire come to life
(Any time of night)
Bend was written by Jack Tatum.
Bend was produced by Jorge Elbrecht & Jack Tatum.
Wild Nothing released Bend on Fri Aug 31 2018.
It’s written from the perspective of a character in Wings of Desire, which is one of my favorite movies. It’s written from the perspective of the main angel character. The reason that I liked it, and the reason that I chose to write about that, is that it kind of tied in to the theme of the record i...