Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce
Whose face is in the picture?
Whose hand signed the autograph?
Then someone thinks to ditch her
Turn that diamond back into glass
A bad case of celebrity
But how would I feel if this was happening to me?
So they wanted to be famous
Maybe more than all that cash
Even tried to sing for us
Treated like so much dirty trash
A bad case of celebrity
But how would I feel if this was happening to me?
Missing out makes them needy
Born to chase the shining mist
Crying out: "Why can't they see me?"
Afraid their name won't even make the list
A bad case of celebrity
But how would I feel if this was happening to me?
Bad Case of Celebrity was written by Jack Bruce & Robin Trower.