I can't take a broken heart
So this'll be another false start
I knew where you lived
So when I used to walked home from school
I used to go especially slow past your house
In case your bus would stop and you would get off and we could start chatting or something
But the one time that did happen I got scared and hid behind a tree
Deep breath, stay calm
Try and hide those sweaty palms
I can't get no satisfaction
I've got an itch I can't stop scratching
Another time I'd overheard you saying you were going into town
And at the time I lived right in between two towns, but I wasn't quite sure which one you meant
So I bought a bus pass, I went to both of them, and frantically looked for you everywhere
And when I finally saw you at WH Smith's, I got scared
Deep breath, stay calm
Try and hide those sweaty palms
I can't get no satisfaction
I've got an itch I can't stop scratching
I can't take another false start
So this'll be a broken heart
I can't take a broken heart
So this'll be just another false start
And then the last time this happened, we were drinking down some woods
And then the drink gave me courage, it was cider, it was cheap at the time
And um, I saw you standing over there with your friends
And I knew this time had to be the time
So I boldly start walking towards you
Deep breath, stay calm
Try and hide those sweaty palms
I can't get no satisfaction
I've got an itch that I can't stop scratching
I can't take another false start
So this'll be a broken heart
I can't take a broken heart
So this'll just be another false start
I've lost the ability to speak;
Uhn da da da da da