Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Chad & Jeremy
Mama goose, she walks real proud
Ask her just once and she'll tell you out loud about
Papa goose while she struts on the ground
Waitin' for the afternoon sun to go down
Ain't it nice, ain't it nice
Ain't it nice what love can do
Now me, I love most ev'rything
I've lived with the sorrow that love brings
Spend most of my nights alone
"Cause I can't be happy with just one home
Ain't it nice, ain't it nice
Ain't it nice what love can do
Now rich man he`ll never sing this song
He might try real hard but he sings it all wrong
Its naught that a rich man is no good
Its just that a rich man never understood
Ain`t it nice, Ain't it nice
Ain't it nice what love can do
Poor man might not know how to sing
He spend his time learnin' better things
He lives for today and forgets the rest
At the happiness game the poor man's best
Ain't it nice, ain't it nice
Ain't it nice what love can do