Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous & Tone (UK)
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous &
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous & Tone (UK)
Mic Righteous &
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous &
Mic Righteous
Mic Righteous
And you're a fucking bell end
So like why is your phone off for?
The little slut has probably come home to you, ain't she?
Yeah well I'm telling you she's lucky I didn't punch her into next week
Stupid fucking dumb bitch fucking cunt what she is
Like "Oh my god, are you ...?" like do you not fucking know anyway you stupid bitch
Fucking you're a dickhead you, you know mate, I'm telling ya, I don't like you anymore
But then and again Rocky, I can see why you like her, she's a bit of fucking you ain't she
You never did know what was good for you, did you? You prick
Mic Righteous released 4 Lines Deep on Fri Oct 28 2016.