2000 B.C. (Before Can-I-Bus) Full Interview by Canibus
2000 B.C. (Before Can-I-Bus) Full Interview by Canibus

2000 B.C. (Before Can-I-Bus) Full Interview

Canibus * Track #6 On Interviews

2000 B.C. (Before Can-I-Bus) Full Interview Annotated

sizzling summer series i'm here with cannabis cannabis young phoenix media fans yeah yeah i want to shout my fans
out let them know 2000 bc before can i bust drops in a couple hours so make sure you go get that it's
berserk okay so um your release release tonight
are you going to be performing i i performed this past saturday at a club called speed in new york
but um we got a couple release parties set up like across like north america um i did i just got off a promo tour
uh start this startеd in on june 12th okay and we started in connеcticut worked our way down went to boston um
dc baltimore virginia north carolina south carolina atlanta miami
la the bay area and um i wanted to go to chicago and detroit
but we didn't get a chance but we're gonna do like some album release parties and we're gonna do some
some shows in those areas right after the album's off okay are you doing any like um record
signing places in new york yeah i'm not sure see it's difficult for me to know exactly what's up next because the
schedule just goes on and on so i just i just do it as it comes to me
like whoever they tell me well you gotta be in the bronx in an hour and that's that's what we do okay but i i do know that the label has
some things scheduled tomorrow okay signings and stuff all right so what what should your fans expect from
your cd this new album right here i would say that i named the 2000 bc for a reason uh 2000
is for the date ec stands for before can i brush which was the title of the first album
so that means that all that rawness ruggedness that they was hearing on mixtapes blendtapes guest appearances
that vibe exists on this album okay so is there um are there any artists that you worked
with on this city that you know really like you really wanted to work
with on this yeah absolutely absolutely i stepped it up crazy with the with the album in terms of the production
because um you know the production is is is what was you know what was lacking on the first
album was the title production so i stepped that up on this album i got beat nuts on this album top five
did the record 2000 bc which is the title track plus a record called die slow featuring
an up-and-coming artist for philly called journalists and uh irv god he hit me with some heat
he did a record called lost to c dj cool did the record with me and rock him okay 18th letter
tearing it down and then i got the horsemen on it that's ryze cars killer priest corrupt pharaoh march okay no doubt um do you
think this album will after your other album um i don't know it's hard to say i mean i mean you know
my last album and goal and as far as sales like i'm not really concerned with the sales as much as i'm concerned with the
taste in people's mouth particularly my fans okay and and this album right here
is everything that the first album should have been in terms of production the rhymes is there the rhymes in this
album is just as wicked as the first okay it's not wicked but it's the production i stepped it up with the
production and that's and and basically like that's my main focus is to get some
get an album out there that that people can bump and they jeeps you know what i'm saying they're real neck snappers
and you know the killer choruses and the rhymes from an all-star lineup with lyricists
okay and i start this horseman project in six weeks okay what cities are on your deck right now
uh got of course i got kim in there i got the old school g rap like some cool g rap joints um i got
uh i got buckshot in there when they did first black moon i got knocked nomadic um i got pharaoh
in there and i got priests in there what about that i ain't corrupt i gotta corrupt me what about the females
female mc's right now ain't none of them out there really moving me you know what i'm saying the ones on the upper coming like i like
sonia blade you know what i'm saying there's a girl called free she appeared on my first album she get busy
but besides that it ain't really too many females that i'm really really you know it's moving me like that
you know what i mean okay i mean we was on on a promo tour
in the van we was listening to a trina cd and it was uh it was the clean version so it was like
difficult to get into it because every time she say something to get your dick hard they
ain't no chicks out there really moving me right now but there's no one that you'd want to work with or rhyme with
i mean like i said like i i like sonia blake but i did something alright i like free but i did somewhere
already you know what i mean um i always like lauren you know what i'm saying but you know what i mean like she's doing
our thing so i mean you know it ain't really about the gender thing man it's just about the lyrics and rocking that's
really all i'm concerned about right right so um did you do a track with a ball on
mg mdj and chaos called don't flex nah i did a record with eight ball mgj
i think it was just eight balls a record call it was the pure uncut remix he did a video for it but but not
the one that i was i was on i did a remix with him okay so where can you hear it
where can he hear that record oh i'm sorry who's the i'm sorry my bad who's the
best rapper in your opinion apart from yourself i wouldn't call myself the best emcee
the best rapper because everybody feels different things you know i mean i would say that
in terms of what i talk about and what i do like i am unique um all the all the artists that appeared on
my album are pretty much like my favorite artist you know what i mean and and you know in addition to artists
like g-rap you know i mean i did i just did something with cool g-rap and m-o-p for do watch album
coming out on universal later on this year okay so your top five would be
five it's hard to say man because because every artist is different and and even though
even though even if i give you my top five like that's not my top five because i i
listen to all these different artists you know what i mean like i said i named it my kim g rap um i've kind of killed a priest
corrupt pharaoh march i'm just on the swaying tech show the other day i heard a super nat on this thing that he did on
a for a show the super nat can rip a show right but he's not really an artist for the album out you
know what i'm saying but he could rip a show like he'll tell people listen i want everybody to dig in their
pockets and hand me something and i'ma close my eyes and whatever you hand me like i'm gonna rhyme about it like he
does things that just incredible on stage but like i said when i with the album
for him is hard right so he is one of my favorite artists when it comes to just on stage freestyling like that
i like juice you know what i'm saying i like you know artists like that i get into artists like that but i get into them for different
reasons okay oh are you gonna go check sarah watch out tomorrow's line i know it's your release
but where's rolling i know i know what time what oh yeah i was supposed to
be on that tour man and i don't know i don't know what happened man carl lewis was saying that there was no room
for me anything like that so i'm not gonna go buy that show you know what i'm saying i'm not gonna go support that show
okay so are you ever gonna do anything with the last boys again well mr cheeks is just working on his
solo album finished it um i'm probably gonna hop on a remix or something
okay you know he recorded some of it in atlanta and um at the time like i was running around doing my thing
oh i mean or whatever cheeks needs i'm there okay so see yourself like in the future
after this cd comes out what's your next step well i'm taking it a day at a time man there was a time when i used to
i used to look like real far into the future in terms like say yo i want to rock with this artist i want
to do a record with this guy i want to get out here and that's really changed i pretty much rock with everybody that
inspires me you know what i mean so at this point in the game i'm just really trying to create my own movement
and that's why i'm going to start this horseman project in a couple weeks about six weeks you want to talk about that the horseman
project consists of killer priests corrupt pharaoh munch myself um
i added lightning b and and danger mouth to the liner uh i also added these kids
from fayette norm fayetteville north carolina they called on bomb shelter
they get real busy i'm gonna add them to the lineup um i'm not adding them all by myself it's pretty much a group thing like i'll
go to go to go to robs and rough and preaching like what do you think okay you know tell me yeah i like some
so we all put them in the crew you know right okay so
okay so tell me the ladies want to know i asked this to every guy interview
boxers hungry boxes yo why um
because i throw him away after i wear him i don't i don't watch like i don't watch clothes you know like
my if i'm not a if i don't it's funny man it's funny you know no listen it's funny
because if i don't if if i'm like especially like now i'm on the road and i just run to the gap or whatever
store we in and i'll buy like a a six pack of boxes okay and i'll just buy you know like a
hundred dollars get it get 100 hours worth okay and i'll just i wear them you know i take them off throwing away because i
don't have time to wash them i hear you watching it convenient you wash your own clothes
more now man i don't know i really i really it's difficult you know what i'm saying
i'm wearing some chimps and they get scuffed i can't i can't sit there and try and get him
out i just gotta get rid of him and get a new pet find your parents so when you coming out with a new video
i'm trying to i'm i wanna i'm working on it right now i'm trying to get the label to give me another video you know what i'm saying
i'm here single what's the song i wanna tell everybody but it's gonna be such a surprise i'm gonna just keep it on the
low because it was what i wanted to do the first time and i had to switch and do another video
to another record and and you know i want to keep it low but if i get the opportunity to do this
video it's going it's going to really bang it's going to really bang people in the head you know yeah once the expected date do you have
any ideas i have no [ __ ] idea man it's all the label thing yo okay so what's your next single you're gonna
release that or is that that's awesome it's alternative with the video because i want to get this video
i get the video it's over don't want to let your fans have a little like sneak
peek at what you're gonna do it ain't it ain't about giving them a speech because they've been bootlegging my [ __ ]
for about two months now and i know that you know what i'm saying yeah and i didn't give nobody a sneak
peek you know what i'm saying that's what they do so it's like they get the information anyway you know what i mean yeah yeah i
mean i'm not gonna front i'm not mad at people for bootlegging because if you
love an artist that much or you want to hear artists that bad and it's available then there it is you know i'm saying what it is is that
is that you know it does hurt it does hurt an artist if you boot like the music yeah and you
just randomly pass it out right and and you know like my first week comes out
and record labels are so caught up on what the first week should look like for certain artists
that if the first week is missing 50 000 because 50 000 in bootlegs or 20 000 like every little bit
helps you know what i mean i hear you and um i'm not mad at them but you know what i'm saying i do feel like you know
like if if you if you care about cannabis then definitely go out there and buy that album you know
whether you want a bootlegging or not is up to you but definitely go out there and cut that out because i know when nas first came out
ilmatic i had seven copies of knowledge albums i mean seven records seven records
off the of the album i had seven copies but i still went and bought it the first time so um i heard you had beef with some
artists on king latifah's flavor unit label is that true that doesn't make any sense i don't even
know and king latifah i thought it was queen latifah i know the question is coming through right get
your questions right man that was spain see caesar will you work
with eminem next question you know would you like to
think of him i i think eminem i think that i think he could rhyme i think he could rhyme his ass off
at this point in the game from the from the other side of the fence like the fans probably look at it and they say
damn i want to see both of these artists work together right and i would i would like to work
with him but really that's his call because like he's the one that's like you know the world is his right now so
it's really up to him to make that call you know because i'm sure that i'm sure that that
that um he's probably got a million people reaching out to him right now to do records with him
you know you have the opportunity you'd go for it then i mean yeah but he got to make that call
like i'm not making no calls you know saying that's not that's not my style i've never been like that and and i'm
not going to start that now you know i rock with everybody that has that has
inspired me coming up in terms of like [ __ ] that i i used to look up to i
rocked with them all i rocked with all the best you know i'm saying so everybody coming out now that's new
is new right and i have no i don't have no reason to sit here and want to rock with somebody brand new
okay let's see i read that def jam asked ll cool j if he wants to work with you
on his new album his reply was never i'll just record three songs aiming disses at him how do you feel
about that when you respond to ll's new deal i look at it like this man
i just second round knockout pretty much addressed everything that i had to say about the issue right and it's like it's over with
like i i could sleep at night like when he does three more records
and from what i understand he had done two records before so basically he's got like five records
out there in the mix about me that's telling me that he still can't sleep at night which which is you know saying which is
you know which is cool you know i mean if he still can't sleep he got to make 10 more records
and let him do it but i said everything i had to say on second round knockout i mean what am i going to talk about now
yeah i mean i'm not going to say the squash because squash means that i'm going to go into his house and eat dinner with him
okay and then i'm not going to do that right but i'm not going to waste any more of my energy and my time
and that you know i'm saying because i came out in 1996 and you know i on the music makes me
high remix with lost boys and dog pounds and ever since then i've been doing music to
to to hold hip hop down second round knockout like i held it down and i was holding it down for hip
hop you know what i'm saying every record that i've ever done man i've been doing it to hold hip hop down and that's all i care about i don't care
about you know creating drama to sell records man
that's what that's what i think they're trying to do i think def jam is trying to sell records they don't know what to do exactly with
them right so they trying to find a way for him to you know sell albums
tv from fantastic four on that mcknight
song you know what hell the the it was first
first done for fantastic for brian mcknight right it was first down
bright and night and then they put kobe on it right and they left my verse on the real and never put my
verse out so then i said yo man i'm gonna just put it on on the fantastic four
it happens like that sometimes when you record records if if an artist doesn't want to use your record right then
use your your vocals then i don't want to waste hot vocals or nothing exactly so i put it on
something okay but i mean i don't even know how the blind midnight record leaked there it is again you know what i'm
saying like records get leaked man and i think it's i think it's some of these studio engineers like they're on the internet
all the time and they work for these studios and they know that records are on reels and they they record it on a dat and then they
just they you know they take it away from the studio and they put it on the internet definitely your cd was on the internet
for like two weeks ago and i know and i know how that probably happened that probably happened because the universal
like my public relations the person who's in charge of pr up
there for me like if they send out an album right and and and and an um a writer gets the album he's
listening to the album he greens the album right if he doesn't like me then he's gonna give me a bad write up first of
all and then secondly he's gonna take my album i'll probably just upload it i'll give it away you know what i'm saying and i think that's probably how
my album got out because the version this out the bootleg version is out is the version that was
given before it was like mastered and you know totally mastered and everything so it went way back then
yeah and i got like two more records on there that's not on them everyone go out and buy a cd you're
missing two tracks i mean you know buy it regardless you know what i'm saying okay so what do you listen to outside of
hip hop really really not that much outside hip hop is my life man every all my
all my goals my dreams everything that i ever wanted to do in life and everything that i want to do
i realized that it's possible through the music so you know it's pretty much like the nucleus for me it's a heartbeat for me
why you don't like nsync let me find out i'm just joking but for real like
when you're sitting down and you know you're writing your your lyrics and everything what do you have like do you feel like
you're a storyteller or do you like you know you know what i'm saying like how i'm not really a storyteller like
i would say like a storyteller like when i first came out he was a storyteller right cool g rap is good at stuff telling
stories um oh even on juice rock kim told the story y'all know the last i
the um um priest is incredible killer priest is
incredible with telling stories i mean i'm capable of telling stories but i'm more of an artist that
mine for me consists of all these different elements like iology psychology theology geology
economy all the allergies and nominees they're all there and i just put them
all into one and i just rhyme okay so it's like straight from the heart basically it definitely is from the heart
it's from the mind and it's just a combination of things that people have probably never heard before
i definitely know that no matter how much i might like an artist and how much i might listen to
them if they don't influence me i don't sit down and talk like that artist or rhyme like that artist
as a matter of fact everything that i hear somebody say i say something that they haven't said
like and that's ill when you can listen to somebody that's already crazy with rhymes listen to them and then not say anything
that they said which is pretty much how it is on my album with that horseman trap okay we all got on the record we
all nice extremely nice but as nice as we are as much as we like to sit there and hear
each other when we get in the booth like when priest gets in the booth i just sit there and listen cause i want to hear what killer's gonna say exactly
when ross gets in the booth i wanna hear what he's gonna say and then we could sit there and do that for days
and still nobody ends up saying what the other artist said you know what i'm saying and that's tight
it's a beautiful thing that's tight when you can record like that it's not like some of these other groups that get on and the only difference that they the only
difference when they rhyming is that one got a blue 600 you know inside blue 600
or baby blue 600 benz and the other one got like a black one you know what i'm saying one guy amg rims and the other guy you
know what i'm saying got motor like that's corny to me or one got a rolex and the other one got like a
iced out rolex like that's stupid [ __ ] right and i don't rhyme about that [ __ ] all right um so what can we find you
doing if you're not rapping thinking about what i'm going to be
doing when i am rap so basically your whole life revolves around it really does it really does you know
um there are times when when when you know i attempted that you know like like like um maybe
maybe like fine hobbies you know what i'm saying like uh like in the telescope you know what i'm
saying yeah yeah well it's astronomy yeah like like there were times when i when you know i i
bought telescopes you know what i'm saying i got a shitload of digital cameras like i was i
was taking pictures for a second but none of those hobbies match to when i'm rhyming so i just end up always
going back to the rhyme like all i do is i'll get a telescope and i'll read up on on on astronomy for
a minute and i just end up taking some of those principles and putting them in a round see what i'm saying so everything for me
always goes back to the round so that's like what you feel like you were put on this earth to do pretty much so like if somebody wants to
hear something that maybe they you know you know i sit there
and and and i'm not just i'm not a genius i'm not a rocket scientist but i will apply principles from you
know i sit there and talk about something that's mathematically correct and put it in the wrong all right and
then i'll sit there and take a bite a biology term and put it in a rhyme i'm not doing it to say that i'm some
kind of a rocket scientist i just do it because that's flavorful because you got kids out there that go to college that you know i'm saying they
studying certain things in their head somebody like me rhyme that way it's attractive to them you know what i'm saying all right so
let's see i just want to i want to give a shout out to the to the asian community you know um because i got the cover of a
japanese magazine called wolfen and i really i got it for real not as dope because
over there in japan from what i understand they really like my music over there yeah hip hop is huge in asia
right now well it's not just hip hop i mean hip hop is hip hop but just for them to feel me you know what i'm saying because on here
in north america hip hop is just everything you know what i mean and and for me to get like the
cover of a magazine it's equivalent to the source over there it means a lot okay so what sort of
education do you have um lesson from land
school like if you want to say school-wise you know schooling wise you know i got a high school diploma and
then i went on to do three years of college i did three years of computer science okay um one year of um
i was getting into the allied health field doing uh radiology and um you know i interned for a while
at the mri center that's magnetic resonance imaging which basically we dealt with
um that runs from the wall like if they had tumors anything like that we put them into the mri
the magnet would tell whether you know the tumor was in the brain or whether it was in the body and how big it was and
you know my schooling has pretty much been like you know um biology things you know i'm
something dealing with biology even when i did computer science like i did a couple of you know the c
plus plus um so at the time was cobalt a little bit of programming but i was never
i never loved that i loved rhyming right so you don't see yourself going back with you just to get the
you know but i mean you know i feel i'm in my
comfort zone when i'm running um as far as like as far as like my experience or my education in terms of
life i would say my education is very broad because i've lived so many different places i
was born in jamaica in the west indies i was raised in saint thomas in ireland okay cool let's go so so so where i got
regiment and then i i moved here when i was 13 and i lived in a bronx format
right and then i lived in the bronx for a quick minute we moved to washington dc lived in miami i lived in england for a
year with my mother because that's where she's from i lived in atlanta and i lived in jersey
wow why so many different because my mom she had a job with a company called rtc and it was a
company that was put in place to deal with people with low income housing okay so um his low income
housing all over the country so what happened was at the end of every year she would receive she
was getting a bonus like packing up leaving and going to the next area and a lot of people weren't really
willing to do that you know a lot of people that worked in her office they weren't willing to do that you know their kids were going to
school like we're going to stay here until our kids graduate from elementary and they will move she used to take the bonus at the end of
every year you know so didn't that affect you you know you moved to one place you had
area that i moved to i ended up being like the um the guys never really got into a
neighborhood you know i'm saying i never really i i never played when i came here from
jamaica i played soccer right and we're there we call the football and um you know at school there wasn't a soccer team so
i played for a boys club okay and we went to the championship twice
i used to do my thing but then as time went on you know the schools didn't have soccer so and i never got i never i never
learned how to play basketball never learn how to play football with the pigskin okay so it was never my
thing yeah and junior varsity i never i used to just always be that person
you know me that had like that journal writing something in it you know words or something right the one thing
that i did get into some break dancing when i came here i
got in the breakdancing real tough yo for real i got to break dancing real hard like i went out got a ghetto
blaster that was one of those radios with the led lights that used to go back and forth and i used to sit there and watch it
because it was so pretty and and boom we used to go in the back of like um
stores like toys r us or sears and go in the garbage cans in the back of those stores and take out the boxes that they
used to put tvs in and we split the boxes wide open and and pop on the boxes that's where we
could do backspins and stuff so i do like a backspin go to a windmill and then go into a scorpion and freeze
why yeah i'm gonna bust
then i went from breakdancing to beat boxing and then i went from b boxing to ramen so the only elements of hip-hop that i
didn't pick up was djing and graffiti do you think you're gonna ever like dabble in those
fields nah see the reason i didn't get into djing was because i couldn't afford the equipment right like you know
in order to get a pair of twelve it was expensive it was now it's expensive back then
but really it was the rich kids that used to dj like and when i was ramen all my dj's was white right because they
could afford the equipment their parents could afford that [ __ ] you know i mean it was the black kids it was because like you know they older brothers
hustled herself so what about the graffiti part graffiti i never gotten the feed because that
[ __ ] cost money too them cans of paint called paper baby you know they did never like tags up
little like you know i mean i used to tag like
do you ever check out the forums at cannabis central yeah yeah sometimes sometimes i'll check
that out cannabis central is ran by this kid comes from australia
i brought him over here on um actually he he came over here when he came over here
we hung out for a minute um he's he's from australia he brought
his father over we did the online hip-hop awards
okay so do you realize that the four horsemen all consistently have albums where critics complain about the beast
you know what i've already i have i've thought about that this is the first time that
somebody else's has brought it to my attention but um i mean what i can say is we're
all like lyricists right you know and we all care about the rhyme primarily
we all care about the rhymes first the beats are secondary to us so what i want to do the same way that i
created 2000 bc i want to work with the horsemen the same way like i want to bring producers in
that know what they're doing and then we pretty much like allow them to help us you know with the beast like yo like
tell me what you feel me on like that's why i just say the producer like what do you what beats do you feel me on right he'll be like yo i feel you
on this i listen to her all right let's let's do it let's rock with it okay so i mean that's that's cool
definitely i mean if we was in another world where it was all about lyrics people will probably be complaining
about the other artists out here just selling millions of hours you know what i'm saying and then they'd be
saying yo man like you know it's all about lyrics you know the game might go there in a couple
years who knows you think so i'm saying i don't know this rap game is funny it's always something different
out there you know one minute is cool to to to um to wear a backpack you know and smoke weed and then the
next minute you know you can smoke weed but you can't let nobody know and definitely don't be wearing a backpack you know what i'm saying
hip hop is funny man so one minute is cool to wear cloth colors
and then all of a sudden yo man like if you walk around you're wearing more than three different colors like you look like a clown yeah
you speaking from experience yeah i mean i i went in and out i went in and out of the fast i mean i'm
jamaican so cross colors used to be my favorite [ __ ] that red golden green [ __ ] i used to rock [ __ ] like that to death
you know i mean they can't take [ __ ] i used to kill that yeah i thought i was the asian madonna so you know that's all good um
so this person says he hears you don't really freestyle is that all is it all pre-written is that true
freestyling to me is is i define freestyle differently from the way the masters define it freestyle to the
to the masses is you just sit in there and you just mom about you know whatever what's going on right here in
the moment right like to me i i run this i'm a professional which means that like
like just to sit here and randomly rhyme about what's going on is stupid to me that that doesn't it
there's nothing i'm not gaining anything from it i'm not i'm not enlightening anybody there's nothing going on
a freestyle to me is you write but you have no parameters and you're writing about whatever the [ __ ] you feel like
saying exactly that's freestyle okay now now as far as somebody they're going to the studio and they
don't write and they just get there and then they just put lyrics on the beat like how do you like how do you call
yourself a professional you know what i'm saying if all you do is smoke weed and then just put a rhyme on
that like that's crazy like that's that's so rare
fandom that you know you you can't you can't you can't i you can't be
serious you know what i'm saying yeah you're not gonna gain any ground you're spinning tires man right okay so let's see
um the source hasn't really noticed your skill what do you think
and always like like telling me yo man yo i'm campus we love you whatever whatever but
the editors the ones that get to get all the the ones that they get the write-ups are
the ones that don't like me right you know what i'm saying it's ironic you know what i mean it's like it's like um you know i'll read the
source and in the beginning like to be the letter area where letters come in right like even the letters that they post
like they'll post like four or five letters where somebody from different places is [ __ ] on me
right when i know that like that that that's not really the way it is positive yeah it's like why can't you
write you know what i'm saying like two letters where people were giving me props and two letters where somebody's mad
like why do you have to write all the letters of somebody's man they try to paint a picture at times and
i'm not gonna blame it on everybody up there because there are people up there that i that i'm in
contact with on a regular basis and they love me okay so why did the source rate the
bootleg version of the album um i mean
it wasn't bootleg it was it came directly from me to my pr person to the source okay
so see do you have problems with maps though nah i don't have any problems with it i
feel like i feel like anything anything to make the music bigger is a
good thing because like rap music needs to grow and that's like a lot of people they come to me they say to me
how do you feel about eminem selling more albums and any rap artist has ever done he's like like that
[ __ ] is it's dope right you know what i'm saying because if if he can open up
all these doors out there you know all he does and then also he can rhyme he's not garbage if he
was garbage it would be a different story but he can rhyme so to even listen to his rhyme
pattern and the way that he flows that means if somebody can listen to an eminem mom and understand him then that
means that they will have no problem being able to understand somebody like myself right which is cool so i look at it like
all he's doing is expanding the music and it's the same thing that that guy from nasa is doing he's expanding the
music right you have a really positive attitude do you feel this album will be
considered a classic i don't know see one thing that i want people to know
i never suck my own dick really you know i'm saying i don't do that [ __ ] the reason why is because is because
like like you know i do my music and i'm doing it i'm doing it for them like i'm doing it
for the people i know that i'm nice i know that already that's not something that somebody has to tell me
or something that somebody has to you know beat into my head i already know that the reason that i do the music is i'm
doing it because i'm just like that cat on the other side of the fence that just wants to come out
and rip a record down and tear the record down like it's like when i listen to a record no matter who's rhyming i want to hear
somebody get on that record and tear it down that's why if cool g rap when he comes out with his new album i'm gonna go buy
it because i want to hear kuji rat chair record down right if there's a whole if there's a record coming out and the guest appearance
one of the artists that i like is featured on the guest appearance i go get it just to hear the artist that i like
see what i'm saying so that's i'm doing this for the people man right doing this for hip-hop so i mean
let me see him pop in 10 years 20 i don't know man that's not a question
that like that's not even a question that i could answer even if i wanted to because i have no idea
man hip-hop is constantly changing like the mass appeal hip-hop is constantly
changing the only hip hop that stays the same is the kindness i'm trying to hold down okay
so and and and the kind that i'm trying to hold down is not the kind against mainstream light right you know and i said it once and i
i always say i'm under that received some mainstream light not a mainstream artist failed to be
mainstream right and that's where a lot of people get it [ __ ] up they look at me and they feel like damn cannabis you should
have sold 5 million albums why why should i sold 5 million albums i mean all the guys that i look up to and
i respect and inspire me haven't sold five million albums you see what i'm saying now to the to the artists that have come
out they have sold all those records i mean that's them that's the machine
that they have behind them that's their marketing that's their promotion you know i mean that's the person that they got working in
production you know what i'm saying like it means a lot so how do you feel about overnight
successes like cash money records first of all i happen to know that cash
money was not an overnight thing they had been doing anything a long time before they even got a
record deal they had paper before they they came out with their music
and and they would they were selling records before they got a distribution deal with universal so you know i'm not at all bitter about
any of that i like to see them do their thing like i actually like to get your role on video you understand because the video was
cool you know they ride around the cars and then the little kids with the little thing like i like the videos and i like
to see like any time i turn on the tv and i'm sitting there i like to see black people smiling you
know what i'm saying i like to see that i like to see people i'm saying enjoying themselves and having a good time whether it's
whether it's i mean even on will smith's video summertime right i watch the video because like i
like to beat but i i and will ain't really saying nothing in the rhyme but i just like to see people smiling and having a good
time because you don't see that a lot see what i'm saying i haven't seen you smile this whole interview with the girl
because because like i'm very serious right now my [ __ ] is coming out i'm kind of nervous you're making me
nervous all right um so will the masses ever hear coconuts
well because you bootlegged it the masters will probably hear it what i'm saying but i mean will i ever
put it out man i don't know you know what i'm saying i might as well just make a new record you know okay so what can you tell us
about them what up with the navy seals uh this person goes way back then was
was a group that i was involved in years ago in like 98 like 90
91 i mean if you know about them then you probably know what happened
so so you know what happened as far as navy seals like navy seals was was the
thing when i was working with clef and i'm not working with club no more so navy shields is
drowning okay all right okay obviously a girl would like to know
are you in romantically involved with anybody
or one from each state or whatever well i mean you know me like he's got no
rings on girl you know what i'm saying i'm a cool copathetic guy you know i mean i don't
i don't my music i don't really i don't [ __ ] on women you know what i'm saying but at the same time i don't talk about
how i'm confusing everything either you know what i'm saying i really just i keep it you know that
that's that's like my life off screen you know i mean i don't put my life like in the line like because
you know i'm you know so i mean am i involving anybody i mean i mean yeah you know i'm always involved
with somebody because i gotta get mine you know i'm always involved with somebody i am but i'm not like that dude
i think they're wondering like do you have a wife or you do you have someone you record yeah i definitely i definitely got i don't report on anybody but i do
i do have i do have some things stashed you know i'm saying like and i need that because when this is over you know what
i'm saying like you need to have somebody stashed i hear you what religion are you
religion is funny to me man because after traveling and seeing a lot of the things that i've seen right
it's hard to accept one religion you pretty much got to just have your arrangement with your maker
you know what i'm saying and whoever you make your head you know however you decide to talk to him you know you should have an
arrangement with your maker and i feel like i have an arrangement with my maker um are you going to share with your fans i
think that's what they want i don't know i mean i'm very much into technology man and technology has a lot to do with
spirituality okay and and and you know that's how i see it man like like i'm i'm very much into
like like when when um when a rocket goes up and nasa says yeah we just sent
a rocket up or whatever we got our little rover on mars and we're trying to see stuff like i always
log on because i want to see what's going on and see what happens because you know the only way to find out about our history is to explore
right and that's pretty much where i'm at with it i like to explore i sit there watch the discovery channel
you know i mean i watch it like that because i don't know so i'm not going to sit here and say that jesus christ is my lord and savior
right because i don't even know what the [ __ ] jesus looks like you understand what i'm saying and i can't make a decision based off of
the tools that i've been given okay someone has a question here he wants to know what you think about
white and hip-hop yo hip-hop i think that i think that a
lot of people get it twisted yeah hip-hop is whatever like hip-hop could be anything you see
what i'm saying hip-hop can be white hip-hop can be black hip-hop can be asian hip-hop can be all of them wrapped up
into one right i was born in jamaica okay i when i came over here i used to chant and chat
like reggae style right so the reason that i switched over wasn't because i felt like jamaica
reggae music was less superior to rap music it was just because i liked the way that rappers came across
and i felt like i could make more of an impact bombing than i could doing reggae right so back to the japan thing
i mean do you have plans on going international i would definitely be there this year i never got a chance
to go but i will be there this year yeah i i know i know that um
you know they listen to my music out there and um i know that they understand what the
[ __ ] i'm saying because they hold these in school you know what i'm saying so i would
school on saturday so there it is they probably understand every [ __ ] word that comes out of my mouth so i would definitely be there with your
shoulders radio mix taste blend tapes hang out with the b boys
whatever yo are there any other countries that you wanted to you want to hit i love the uk you know i'm staying over
there in the uk like the whole uk i get a lot of love for the uk canada i love canada
anna west indian you must go well i wanted to go i wanted to i wanted to make carnival
and all of that you know what i'm saying was doing a video down there and i
didn't feel like you know i'm saying like no sailing
i want to celebrate with the people from the region and we can all get it off i hear you all right someone wants you
to bust a freestyle freestyle home i want to be difficult because i'm not typing it and i never
freached out online before oh okay i'm not gonna do that now you can check out cannabis.com in the next coming
the next coming you know the next coming weeks i will have like things up where i will be engaging and
you know live freestyling you know what i'm saying me and the horsemen all right do you have any advice for upcoming fmcs
patience is your biggest virtue and don't ever don't like don't ever
walk up to somebody and be like yo man i rhyme too and uh i'm gonna rhyme for you because i want to see what you think
wrong if you nice and you know you're nice then you don't need nobody to tell you that you're nice
just keep working in turn for a label trying to get your foot in the door somehow instead of just sitting home
and sending demo tapes and if you live if you live and like you know like if you live in like one of
those areas where there are no record labels as a matter of fact let me put it to you like this
if you don't live in new york and you don't live in l.a or cali or anywhere close get the [ __ ]
up and move there you know what i'm saying to get your deal you know because if that's what you want
you gotta chase your dream you know in the wild leopards don't sit there and wait for the food to come to
them they gotta get up and they gotta chase it and that's how it is in this game though okay well someone wants to know when
your next album is dropping are you i mean are you ready 2000 bc
drops on july 18th it drops in a couple hours as far as the album after that
um it's gonna be a lot easier for me this time because you know i i've met with a lot of
producers that i couldn't get on this album that i would have on the next album okay but you know it's gonna be a lot easier
now for me to record the album because it's just straight snap snap okay you know i know what studio i'm gonna record it at
you know i mean like all of that stuff is already laid down so i'm gonna i want to drop another album of 40 years up wow for
real uh horseman album i don't know when it'll be dropping
it hasn't been picked up by a label i don't really want it to get picked up by a label i'm not really looking for a
label to pick it up but it's indirect like how um how our methods of
you know this distribution is gonna go with the project but i am starting a project in the next six weeks oh okay
no time to rest tom alright so we would like to thank you for
joining us tonight is there anything you want to let your fans know i want to let my fans know that i love
them i do this for y'all i will continue to keep the rhymes coming
i will continue to keep the rhymes sharp and yo i'll do this for y'all man and i'll see
y'all when i come to your area performing or i'll i'll definitely see you you know because i'm gonna be out
here on the road i'm gonna do like three shows a weekend okay i'm gonna pound the pavement i'm gonna see him
okay so any off hands like do you know anything offhand of where you're gonna be at in the next couple this point in time i have i i just know
i really keep it like i keep myself probably like uh i like a like a 12 hour buffer okay so i
know what i'm gonna do for the next 12 months like i know i'm gonna be right i'm gonna know when i leave here i gotta go on dj clue tonight okay monday
night mixtape i'm gonna be there i know that i know that i'm gonna do the um the album release party tonight i know
i'm gonna get pissy drunk

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