Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout
The all-knowing monarchy
The greatest of locals
The smartest of creatures
The brightest of halls
Will all share
A car stopping deisal
A plane lost to limbo
A product of coping
A lesson in hinder all share
Stalled resource
Broken clock staples
Often listlessly confused
100% delay
Stalled resource
Broken down people
All witlessly confused
100% delay
100% Delay was written by Tobin Sprout.
100% Delay was produced by Tobin Sprout.