Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
Luke Davis
The following questions will be addressed within the dissertation:
• Should the term “black music” be used within the music industry today?
O When did the term first come into general use?
O What makes “black music” black?
O Can non-black musicians perform “black music”?
O What genres are regarded as “black music” genres?
O Are there any notable non-black musicians mentioned within genres of “black music”?
O What has the industry’s role been in reinforcing the use of the term?