00005 by 00000
00005 by 00000


00000 * Track #5 On 0

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00005 by 00000

Release Date
Fri Dec 04 2015
Performed by
Produced by
Writed by

00005 Lyrics

It's late tonight and I'm looking for something nice
It's hot outside and I just wanna ride
Biking around
Thinking about you
Falling down trying to find a reason to get up
Is it worth it gonna get hit
Cars coming so fast
I'm in the middle of the street
Lying down
Hope they don't see

00005 Q&A

Who wrote 00005's ?

00005 was written by 00000.

Who produced 00005's ?

00005 was produced by 00000.

When did 00000 release 00005?

00000 released 00005 on Fri Dec 04 2015.

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