Belle is the online alter-ego for seventeen-year-old high school student Suzu Naito, the protagonist of the Japanese animated movie BELLE / 竜とそばかすの姫 (Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime, lit. The Dragon and the Freckled Princess), released on July 16th of 2021. Upon joining the virtual world “U” originally as “Bell”, she has gained popularity through her singing, where others would refer to her as “Belle”, the French word for “beautiful”.
In the film, she is voiced and sung by Kaho Nakamura for the Japanese release, Kylie McNeill for the English dub, and Louane for the French dub.
Belle's first album 竜とそばかすの姫 (BELLE) released on Fri Jul 30 2021.
The most popular album by Belle's is Belle (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [English Edition]
The most popular song by Belle's is A Million Miles Away (English Version)
Belle's first song Faces in the Rain (German Version) released on Fri Sep 23 2022.