after Amber Rambharose
Clinical, sharpened. We were South-Korean rapture-girls, with big thighs and bigger wants. We out grew bunny-moons and Children's Day by middle school. Instead, our mouths bloomed two tongues. We bled thrice on the bathroom floor. First: between our legs, Tampax tasting our insides. Second: the outside of our legs, when we poked flesh with razors. Third: the soft of our mouths, from when we tried to rip the first tongue out. Declawed and pagan / labia stitchings; all we wanted were straight noses and dipped waists and boys fatal to our bodies. Sarang-hae; our constricted throats
While spreading my knees for the surgeon to probe better was written by Noah Jung.
While spreading my knees for the surgeon to probe better was produced by Winter Tangerine.