“Sweet Adult Of Mine” was created as a joke to mock rapper Vanilla Ice for stealing the bassline of David Bowie and Queen’s “Under Pressure” for his song, “Ice Ice Baby.”
This segment of Steve Terreberry’s video, “Songs You Didn’t Know Were STOLEN!”, consisted of Steve playing a guitar riff that wa...
[Spoken: Vanilla Ice]
It's not the same...
[Spoken: Stevie T]
So exactly the same... *laugh*
Y-You idiot!
You... 1980s-era Fred Durst!
The fact that you added one more "din"
To the "Din din din de-de-din din" does not mean it's your riff!
What if I picked up my guitar and was like:
(Silly voice) Hey guys, I wrote a song!
[Guitar Riff: Modified version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns 'N' Roses]
[Stevie T]
No, that's not "Sweet Child O' Mine"
See, I added an extra note in there
My song is called "Sweet Adult Of Mine"
*silly laugh and burp*
Sweet Adult Of Mine was written by Steve Terreberry.
Sweet Adult Of Mine was produced by Steve Terreberry.
Steve Terreberry released Sweet Adult Of Mine on Sat Jul 11 2020.