Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Game Script Part 1 by Atlus (Video Game)
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Game Script Part 1 by Atlus (Video Game)

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Game Script Part 1

Atlus (Video Game) * Track #1 On Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Script

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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Game Script Part 1 by Atlus (Video Game)

Performed by
Atlus (Video Game)

SMT 3: Nocturne is the story of a young man swept up in the apocalypse. Lucifer bestows extra capabilities that allow him to survive in the vortex world. In this limbo-like vortex world, the protagonist’s purpose is to align himself with a reason. A sufficiently powerful belief about how the inner l...

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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Game Script Part 1 Annotated

Scene 1: Opening of Game
Scene 2: Yoyogi Park Station
Scene 3: Yoyogi Park
Scene 4: Shinjuku Medical Plaza
Scene 5: Yoyogi Park

01. Opening of Game

[You see a hazy vision of a woman standing with her back turned to you, outlined by the bright sun.]

...A world that loses its power will fade away into nothingness. If such is the fate of this world, then I shall return it to its mother's womb. The world must first die, for it to be born again...
...That is the only way to salvation, as recorded in an ancient prophecy.

[The woman turns around and you see glimpses of Tokyo's destruction flash before you.]

The world will fall for its sins, and humans will all disappear...
But, I don't want you to meet the same fate. I want to help you hold on to your life. To do so, I need to know your name. Will you tell me who you are...?

[You are asked to enter a Last Name, a First Name, and a Nickname. You must create it ex nihilo; there is no given name for the protagonist. This script is written for a character named Hero Leader, with the nickname Moniker.]

I see, so your name is Hero Leader...
As of now, your will to live shall be sustained. Believe in it...and live.


1) I will.

I'm glad that you understand.
The time is will take place very soon.

2) I don't understand.

You may not understand right now...
...but please don't forget what you've heard here...

[You once again see glimpses of Tokyo's destruction flash before you.]

I am the nurturer of the next world. It is my duty to create the world that
is to come... Now, I want you to say my name out loud.

[You are asked to enter a name, with the given name being Yuko Takao.]

That's right...My name is Yuko Takao.
...Hero. I won't shed another tear, not even at the world's end. I'd like
to see you in the next world though... Go ahead and wake up. It's time...

[Screen fades to white, then fades to black.]


02. Yoyogi Park Station

Yoyogi Park Station!
Yoyogi Park Station!
Please do not rush onto the train. The door is now closing.

[You step off the train and your phone rings.]

[You received a message.]

You're late...You're way late, Hero Leader! You haven't forgotten that we're
going to visit Ms. Takao, have you? Hurry up and get over to Yoyogi Park.
You're wasting my quality time!

It's from your classmate.
Enter his name.

[You are asked to enter a name, with the given name being Isamu Nitta.]

I don't care if you come or not, but Ms. Takao's nice to me when you're
around... Oh yeah, you better make sure you look nice for her. How about the
jacket you bought the other day... Y'know, the one with a demon graphic on
it? You're just the mood maker. Don't forget that.

[You now have control of your character. You walk in the direction of the
exit, and are stopped by an employee who says the following:]

...Huh??? A Customer?

[You stop to talk to him.]

Are you heading to Yoyogi Park too? After that incident, we've had a lot of
lookee-loos, but not so many customers. Man, I've had a lot of free time on
my hands...
...Huh? Are you saying that you haven't heard the news???


1) What's going on?

Hmmm...How should I put this? Yesterday, there was a
[riot] at Yoyogi Park. If you want the details, you can
check the giant screen. A buncha people were killed.
You could hear the sirens wailing all night long.

2) I've heard about it.

Who hasn't, right? I mean, it's all over the news.

I'm sorry about that...I shouldn't be talking on the job, even if I'm not

[You leave Yoyogi Park Station and head for Yoyogi Park. On the way you
decide to check out the big screen the employee mentioned.]

[The news is showing on the giant video display...]

A riot broke out yesterday at Yoyogi Park, regarding the construction of a
communications tower. The demonstration got out of hand, and there have been
several deaths and injuries reported. Also, [Hikawa], the top executive of
Cybers Communication, is still missing. Now, for the latest in sports, we
move over to Mannaka!

[ The news continues...]


03. Yoyogi Park

[You enter Yoyogi Park, where you see a man standing in front of a sign.]

Great, the entire park is closed. I won't be able to get a single picture of
the scene... Just my luck.

[The man turns around.]

...What's up, kid?

1) What happened here?

Well, this is what they said on TV: 'The clash between
a well-known company and a civic organization results
in deaths'... But, those who live on the fringe say...
...that it was a struggle between two opposing cults.

2) Ah, nothing.

Oh...Okay. If you're not interested, then it's better
not to get involved. You wouldn't believe me if I told
you that there was a struggle between two religious
cults...would you? :

[Your cell phone started to ring.]

...Huh? Isn't that your phone ringing?

[You pick up your phone.]

...Hi, Hero? It's me.
*sigh* I finally got a hold of you. What have you been doing all this time?

[Please enter your classmate's name.]

[You are asked to enter a name, with the given name being Chiaki Hayasaka.]

I could see if it was Isamu, but you're never late. Did something happen?
Where are you now? Yoyogi Park? Well, since you didn't show up on time,
Isamu and I left without you...We're almost there. So yeah, I'm sorry, but
can you come directly to the hospital? You know which hospital it is?
...Yeah, Shinjuku Medial Center. Just go east from Shinjuku Station, and you
can't miss it. Oh well. I wanted to talk to Ms. Takao about what I should do
after graduation anyway.

1) I'll be there ASAP.

Thanks, I'm not planning on staying there long.
Okay then, see you later.

2) Is now the right time for that?

...What? I care about my future, thank you very much.
Honestly, you and Isamu should start planning ahead
too... Anyway, don't keep us waiting, okay?
See you later.

[Chiaki hung up.]

Hey, wait a minute...You're going to Shinjuku Medical Center?
...That's where I'm headed, too. What a coincidence.

[He pulls a magazine from his messenger bag. It features a skull on the

Here, take this. This issue isn't out yet. You don't know what happened
here, right? Then, you probably don't know what kind of place that hospital
is, either. The report on the Gaea cult and the Scripture of Miroku...It's
an interesting read.

[You obtained an issue of [Ayakashi Monthly].]

You wouldn't normally associate a hospital with the occult, but...That place
is different....Heheh. False info is pretty common in the occult industry.
If it does turn out to be wrong, just laugh it off, okay? Well, I'd better
get going. My name's Hijiri. If we ever meet again, let me know what you
thought about my article.


04. Shinjuku Medical Center

[You arrive at Shinjuku Medical Center. In the lobby you see a girl standing
by herself.]

Hero, you finally made it. You know, this hospital... It's a little strange.

[She looks around.]

...There's nobody here. Not a single person. Look, even the reception desk
is empty. Isn't it creepy here? I don't like it... Isamu is looking for Ms.
Takao right now. He hasn't come back yet, though. He'd better not be off
fooling around...Hey, what's that magazine?


1) Some guy gave it to me.

You got it from a stranger?
Come on, you should know better than that.

2) Do you want to read it?

Knowing your taste, it probably wouldn't interest me.

[She takes the magazine from you and opens it.]

Ayakashi Monthly...I've never heard of it before. What!? It's an occult
magazine! Why would you bring something like THAT here!?
...Well, I guess it might help me kill some time. Hero, can you go look for
Isamu? If we can't find Ms. Takao, then I don't wanna stay here another
minute. He should be on the second floor, where the patients' rooms are.
I'll wait here.
...Oh yeah, let me borrow this magazine. Thanks!

[You head to the second floor of Shinjuku Medical Center, and see a young man
in the other hallway. You enter a room and see the same young man. He turns
around and looks startled.]

Dude! You scared the crap outta me, Hero! Why'd you startle me like that!?
You come here late, you cause trouble... Geez. Ah, forget it. I'm sure you
noticed already, but man, this place is deserted. I called Ms. Takao and
double checked, though. She said, "Shinjuku Medical Center."


1) Maybe something happened.

They could've at least put up a notice or something,
so visitors aren't clueless. This place better not be
contaminated by some deadly virus...

2) Just relax.

...How can you be so calm? To tell you the truth, I'm
gettin' kinda nervous.

I checked out most of the this place. I don't know where else Ms. Takao
could be...Oh well. I'll go back and see how Chiaki is doing. She's probably
all mad at me 'cuz I've been gone so long... *sigh* It's hard to please a
girl with her upbringing. See ya in a bit, Hero. I really hope that this is
nothing we should be worried about...

[Isamu left the room.]

[You return to the lobby, where Chiaki is thumbing through the magazine.]

Oh, you're back. Um, Hero... You know that special report at the beginning
of the magazine? Well, it says some things that are a little disturbing.
According to the report, there's a group of demon worshippers who call
themselves the Gaea cult... They're right here in Japan. Anyway, they
believe in this book of prophecy called the Scripture of Miroku. In that
book, it says that chaos will befall the world, and these people are
actually trying to make that happen. The reporter was unable to learn what
is meant by 'chaos'... It could be worldwide terrorism, or some other
tragedy. But...

[Isamu walks in from another room.]

No luck finding Ms. Takao. I even checked the men's room.

*sigh* I don't think we needed to know that. We're in the middle of a
conversation, so please save the details for later. Now, where were we?
...Oh yeah, read this part. 'A hospital on the east side of Shinjuku is
closely linked to their plan...'

Let me guess...It ends with, 'More to come in our next issue,' right? You
know, this could be the hospital that they're referring to. I've heard weird
stories about this place. Things like they experiment on patients, and how a
psychic got scared and ran outta here... There was also one about the
hospital being under the influence of some cult...

...Really? I haven't heard those things before. Maybe we shouldn't have
come... I don't normally take this kind of magazine too seriously, but...
There's definitely something wrong with this hospital.

I'm worried about Ms. Takao. Hey, let's look around some more. If we don't
find anything, then at least we'll know that there's nothing bad here. It
looks like you can access the annex from the second floor. I'll go take a

[He pulls a card from his pocket.]

Here you go, Hero. You can use this to search the basement.

[You obtained an [ID Card].]

Why don't you search the basement yourself?
...You're not scared, are you?

O-Of course not! I'm sure she's not down there, that's why I'm having Hero
go! All Hero needs to do is confirm that Ms. Takao isn't in the basement.
It's my duty to see her in person. If something does happen, Hero, just run
like hell! Alright?

*sigh* I can't believe him sometimes. But now, I'm worried about Ms. Takao.
We should make sure she's okay.

[You head to the elevator to search the basement. You use the ID Card on the
Security System, and soon come across a door. You enter and see a man sitting
in a swivel chair, his back to you. In front of him is a strange glowing
pillar inscribed with ancient characters. The room is dark, lit up only by
the blue glow of several computer screens and the strange pillar.]

...Well, what do we have here? Who dares to disrupt this stillness? How

[The man swivels around to face you.]

...A well-known poet once said, 'April is the cruelest month.' Why? Because
it is then that one must wake up from a long sleep and face the barren
world. Looking back on the past, it is evident that the history of mankind
is comprised of meaningless events. The worthless overgrowth of a
civilization blind to its sins, continuous bloodshed and war, and thousands
of years of repeating the same mistakes again and again...The world must
start over from the beginning. The way to salvation was foretold in the
Scripture of Miroku, and today is the day that the prophecy shall be
fulfilled. The old world will sink like a setting sun, and the new world
will arise in its place.

[He rests his chin on his left hand.]

...Who are you? From what I remember, you're not one of our followers who
survived the purge at the park...An acquaintance of Ms. Takao? Come to think
of it, this was a hospital, wasn't it? I see, you came to visit her.
However, even a pebble creates ripples when cast in water. I do feel pity
for you, but...your life ends here!

[He raises his hand and a demon, Baphomet, appears behind him.]

...Do not fear. All the inhabitants of this world will follow before long.
Your time has come just a bit sooner, that's all.


1) Face him.

No one can overcome their fate.

2) Run away.

What a futile attempt...
One should face death honorably.


[Yuko enters the room.]

What, can't you let one person go? It should have absolutely no effect on
our plan.

The insignificance of the gesture makes no difference. I will not allow any

If you don't save him... I'll stop cooperating with you.

...Such a troublesome Maiden. Well... I'll leave the teaching to the
teacher. Please leave this room. I would like to enjoy this blissful end in

[He swivels his chair back around.]

...Hero, I'll be waiting on the roof. We'll have a good view of the city
from there. Come, see it with your own eyes. Witness that which will change
the world...

[You start to head back to elevator. Just before the Security System area,
you are stopped.]

[Someone is up ahead...]

[You see a small boy with long blond hair dressed in a suit. He is holding
the hand of an old woman whose face is completely covered with a veil. Only
her chin is visible.]

What's wrong, my little master? Are you wondering about that person over

[The little boy cups his hand around his mouth and whispers to the old

I see. My, my... But, we're busy at the moment. Let's come back later.

[A light flashes.]

[The child and the old woman have disappeared...]

[You take the elevator up to roof. You see Yuko standing, looking out at the

...Hi, Hero. I'm glad I made it in time, back there at the basement... I
wouldn't want you to fall prey to a [demon]. You heard what Hikawa said,
right? The world is about to be engulfed by chaos. It's called the
[Conception]... The rebirth of the world, an event which no human has ever
witnessed. Everyone outside of this hospital will perish. I doubt anyone
would approve of such a terrible thing... But, even if we let this old world
continue to exist, it would eventually lose all of its power. The world must
first die, for it to be born again... And I alone will carry the burden of
its sin...No, I don't have any regrets.

[The camera switches to an overhead view, so that Tokyo's cityscape is

You came here, led by fate. And it is your fate that you will live through
the Conception. It may actually be more painful than death... But...I
believe in you. Hero...
...Please find me. No matter how the world changes, I'll be your strength.
As the Maiden, I'll take part in the creation of the new world... I'm sure
that I'll be able to provide you with guidance.
...I know it's difficult for you to understand. But, we're out of time.
If you can find me on your own, I promise that I'll tell you everything...
...The answers to all your questions, and what my true feelings are...

[You see the destruction of Tokyo. The screen begins to shake and lightning
flashes. Everywhere that lightning strikes turns black, entire city blocks at
a time. Blackness spreads over city like a layer of lava. You see particles
of debris flying upward. Yuko closes her eyes and leans back, as the light in
the sky flashes between blue and black. Then the screen fades to white.]

[There is a bright light in front of you.]

...You, who is about to enter my world, show me your heart...
...You have nothing in your heart. Not even a hint of Reason. For the one
who will shape the world, this cannot be. Go! And discover yourself...

[The screen fades to white again.]

[You see the young boy and old woman once more, in a hazy blue and black
area. The boy again whispers to the old woman.]

...It is my honor to tell you that my little master has shown an interest in
you. Poor human, he wants to give you a special gift. It is vital that you
receive this gift...Please do not move.

[They stand above you.]

It will only hurt for an instant...

[The little boys drops a strange, insect-like creature onto you.]

...This will make you a demon...


[When you come to your senses, you are sitting with your head hanging down in
a room in the hospital. You have now have strange blue and black
marking on your body, and a horn grows from the back of your neck.]

Magatama, the essence of demonic power... You have now joined the ranks of

[You raise your head and look at your hands. You gaze around the room,

My little master is always watching you, so don't bore him...

[ You obtained the Magatama [Marogareh].]
[From the command menu ( [] button), you can view and ingest Magatama.]

[They disappear, and you begin to explore the hospital. You eventually come
across your first save terminal.]

[You can hear something from inside the room...]

[You open the door and see Hijiri examining a strange pillar, much like the
one you saw when you met Hikawa.]

...Who's there?

[He turns around.]

Wait a minute... Aren't you the kid I met at the park?
What happened to you...?


1) I'm stronger now.

...You're not joking, are you?

2) I'm not sure myself.

...I see.
Well, at least you still think like a human...

...So, what the hell is going on? All of a sudden, I was blinded by a bright
light, and the next thing I knew, I was here in this room. I took a quick
look around, and it looks like I'm in a hospital... Since you're here too,
does that mean this is Shinjuku Medical Center? ...Anyways. As much as I
want to know what's going on out there, I don't think it's safe for me to
walk around. By the way, have you come across any yet?


1) Yes.

Hm... It wasn't my imagination, then. Demons.
...They're all around here. I never thought I'd
actually live to see one...

2) Any what?

Well, they're definitely not human. My guess is that
they're... demons. My strange experience...your new
look...and these weird creatures... I don't think the
police will be able to help us here.

Damn... I might have to seriously consider the possibility. It's hard to
believe, but... If this is Shinjuku Medical Center, then I can't just rule
it out. The Conception...could have occurred for real. I've seen this
barrel-like object somewhere before...If my memory serves me right, it
belongs to a man named Hikawa. He must have something to do with all this.
...Standing here talking won't get us anywhere. If you're strong enough to
fight those demons, then will you gather information for me? I tried talking
to what looked like a ghost, but I didn't have much luck. What's happened to
the world...? Are there are other humans out there...?
(--that's what it actually says, an in-game typo I guess--)
We can only learn the answers to these questions by finding somebody else.
...I wish I could do it myself, but I don't think I'd last very long against
those demons. Besides, I'd like to spend some time studying this object.
I'm counting on you.

[You save your game.]

Maybe you should try and get out of this hospital.
...Good luck.

[You head back to the elevator.

[You can feel an extraordinary power from beyond the door...]

[When you open the elevator, you are transported to a strange, tunnel-like
place. There is a flash of light, and you see two figures in the distance - a
man in a wheelchair and a young woman dressed in black.]

[A voice echoes in your head...]

...Show me...the strength...of a demon...

[The old man and the woman disappeared...]

[You begin walking. Two Will o' Wisps appears, and you engage in your first
battle. After defeating them, you walk a bit an engage in another battle.
Another flash of light, and you see the man and woman in the distance again.--]

[A voice echoes in your head...]

...This way...

[The old man and the woman disappeared...]

[After another battle or two, you enter a central room. A light flashes, and
the man in the wheelchair and young woman appear once more.]

[A voice echoes in your head...]

...So, you made it...
...Your outstanding...
...We shall meet again... soon...

[One more flash of light, and you once again find yourself in front of the
elevator. You head to the first floor, but it seems the exit is blocked, so
you must search for another way out. You eventually come to the walkway of the
Medical Center's annex, where you see a Pixie.]

I've never seen a demon like you before...
Are you looking for something, too?


1) Yes.

Hey, about that thing you're looking for... I'll help
you, if you want! I was looking for something, too! A
demon who can help take me to [Yoyogi Park]. You look
kinda flabby and weak, but I'll let that slide.
Whaddya say? Should we join up?

A) Yes.

Alright then, let's get outta here! If we
have the [Pass-thingie], we can get through
that door to the annex. I saw some [Pretas]
carrying it...I'm Pixie the Fairy. I'm sure
we'll be the best of friends!

[ Pixie joined your party! ]

B) No.

...Is that so? Ooooh!! Why don't you just
walk around until something eats you, then!

[Speak to her again, and she will say
the following:]

Oh, you again???
Have you decided to join up with me?

i) Yes.

[Same as above response for
'Yes.'] :
ii) No.

[Same as above response for

2) No.

Is that so...? Denied again! I wonder if a strong
demon would ever pass by here...*sigh*

[Speak to her again, and she will say
the following.]

Oh, you're here again!
You ARE looking for something,
aren't you???

A) Yes.

[Same as above response for 'Yes.']

B) No.

...Is that so? I guess I'll have to beat
them myself....Ugh, there's just no way I
can do it alone!

[Please note that you must eventually say 'Yes' for the story to progress.
You head off with Pixie to find the Pretas she mentioned, who are in a room on
the second floor. When you come to the room, however, it is locked. You hear
voices inside.]


Ew! Those gunky Pretas are inside!
Here, let me talk in their nappy native language...

[ Pixie changed the tone of her voice.]

'Me have....Magatsuhi....

Me eat!! Me eat!!

[The door is now unlocked...]

Alright, they fell for it! You ready?

[You say 'Yes' and enter.]


We don't have any Magatsuhi to give to the likes of you! If you don't wanna
get hurt... Give us the [Pass-thingie]!!

Blarg!! Gaah!!! Magatsuhi!!

[You fight the Pretas.]

[You obtained an [Annex Gate Pass].]

Hmmm...You're stronger than I thought! But, you could get even stronger if
you [talk] to other demons and get them on your side. We got the
Pass-thingie, so let's head over to Yoyogi Park!

[Random encounters are now enabled for the game.]

[In one room you encounter a floating soul who says the following:]

I saw a human at the annex. He's probably dead by now...
Eaten by a demon or something weird like that.

[You head to the annex, and use the pass from the Pretas.]

[In the Annex Lobby, you see a demon through the glass who is flying around
the lobby. You speak to a soul.]

You see that demon swimming around the lobby, like he owns the place? That's
[Forneus]! As long as he's here, it's not gonna be easy to get out of this

[You enter the Annex Lobby and encounter Forneus.]

Hey, punk! I've never seen you around, and I don't like your face! You're
trying to get by without paying respect to me, The Almighty Forneus? You
wanna die, don't ya!? I screwed up and let another human escape a while ago,
but not this time... I have a habit of butchering anyone who disrespects me.
I cut 'em up with these fins! Time to die!!

[You fight Forneus.]

[You obtained the Magatsuhi [Wadatsumi].]

[You exit the hospital to see that Tokyo is now a wasteland.]

[You feel the presence of something...]

[There is a flash of light. The little boy and old woman appear.]

It is reassuring to see that you did not do anything to embarrass my little
master, such as dying. My little master has pitied you. The least you could
do is survive such a trivial thing as this...Come to think of it, this is
your first time seeing the new Tokyo, is it not? Allow me to tell you one
thing, if you don't mind...Look above you.

[You look up to see bright orb of light.]

As you can see, Tokyo has now become a [circular world]. Now, do you see
something shining in the center of this world? That is [Kagutsuchi]. That is
what created this Vortex World, and that is also what provides power to the
inhabitants of this world.

[The little boy whispers to the old woman.]

Oh, my little master, are we leaving already? Pardon me, now. I must be
going. Please keep it up. You can create a new world, or you can destroy
this one. The choice is yours...

[The child and the old woman have disappeared...]

[The camera pans around to show the bottom of a red cape.]

MYSTERIOUS MAN: Tokyo...? This doesn't seem like the kind of place you'd find

[The camera pans up, until you see all of the man, save the bottom of his

That old guy...what a client. This is gonna be one tough job...Oh well.
Time to get to work.

[He walks off screen. When you are in control again, you head to Yoyogi

- 05. Yoyogi Park

Yay!! We're finally here!
I guess this is goodbye?


1) Good riddance.

Whoa! Talk about harsh!
You sure you can get by without me?

A) Heck yeah.

Is that so! Then, here you go.
[You obtained the Magatama [Ankh].]
Careful not to die out there!

[Pixie flies off]

B) I'll die without you.

Awww! I knew you wanted to be with me.
Alrighty! I guess I'll stay with you a
little longer!

[Pixie stays in your party]

2) I hope not.

We made it to Yoyogi Park, so I guess we can part ways
now. I get the sense you want us to stay
together? Hmmm???

A) I need you.
Mmmm...I like the way that sounds. *flirt*
You win! I'll stay with you a while longer!

[Pixie stays in your party]

B) Lay off the Pixie dust.

What a friggin' jerk you turned out to be! Take
this, then. Think of it as payment. At least I'm
not an asshole like you! *pfffft*
You obtained the Magatama [Ankh].
You'd better take good care of it!

[Pixie flies off]

[You speak to a few souls around the area to gather information.]

I've seen that communications tower before...
The name [Hikawa] comes up when I look at it...
...I feel like something bad happened to me...

You know about that [human girl] in Shibuya? Seems that she came from some

[You head for Shibuya with this information.]

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