Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Leon Vynehall
Lyrics for this song have yet to be released
Ecce! Ego! was written by Leon Vynehall.
Ecce! Ego! was produced by Leon Vynehall.
Leon Vynehall released Ecce! Ego! on Wed Feb 10 2021.
‘Ecce ego’ is Latin and it means ‘behold me’. I named the song that because I wanted this to be the introduction to the record and it feels like a continuation from Nothing Is Still. It starts off with a similar string arrangement and build-up in textures but then I wanted it to flip, almost like wh...