One of us is shitting, so
It's ok
Big, big poop
Big poo in the looloo
One of us is shitting
It's ok
Big, big poop
Et il entends juste "massive poo poo poo"
Yeah, the caca
Do you know the caca? (poo, poo)
One of us is shitting, so
Massive poo poo poo
One of us is shitting (caca)
Massive poo poo poo
Big poop
Do you know the caca?
Big (fart)
Massive poo poo poo
Poop, poop, poop, poop, (big poo in the looloo)
Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, (big poo in the looloo)
Bi-Bi- Big poo in the looloo
One of us is shitting
Bi-Bi- Big poo in the looloo
One of us is shitting
Caca, caca, caca, big poop (Bi-Bi)
Caca, caca, caca, big poop (Bi-Bi)
Et il entends juste "massive poo poo poo"
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo (big poo in the looloo)
One of us is shitting so
Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, poo
Et il entends juste "massive poo poo poo"
Caca, caca, caca, big poop
Caca, caca, caca, big poop
Caca, caca, caca, big poop
Caca, caca, caca, big poop
big poo in the looloo was produced by Faster (FRA).
Faster (FRA) released big poo in the looloo on Sat Jun 10 2023.