“Within This Empty Space” opens Tom Jones & Harvey Schmidt’s ritual musical Philemon with an invocation to the theatrical space itself and an introduction to the main character, Cockian. The title and refrain may be a reference to Peter Brook’s seminal book The Empty Space, which was published e...
Within this empty space
There is nothing we cannot do
We can seek to create
Something great
From the past
Or search for something new
Within this empty space
There are secrets to be revealed
There are things that we know
In our bones to be so
And emotions we long to feel
Flesh, flesh
If we wish it there are pleasures of the flesh
Just as much as we desire
Clowns, clowns
Being human, well of course there will be clowns
And if laughter makes us tire
Tears, tears
In the end there will be bitterness and tears
And the purifying fire
The purifying fire
The purifying fire
Within this empty space
There are worlds to be opened wide
Come along, come with me
Unafraid, you will see
We will find ourselves inside!
From the horrors of hell
From the horrors of hell
To a state of grace
To a state of grace
All are here, waiting here
All are here, waiting here
Within this empty space!
ALL except COCKIAN (variously, spoken):
This man is Cockian
A clown
He lived in Antioch
A distant capital of Rome
His stage, a wooden platform in the middle of the street
His song, a simple one
(in unison)
COCKIAN (sung):
Oh gimme a good digestion and something to digest
If you provide some bread and wine, it needn't be the best
Just keep the people eating, there'll never be unrest
Gimme a clown to laugh at, a lady who's undressed
Oh gimme a good digestion and something to digest
ALL except COCKIAN (variously, spoken):
Observe him closely
He is dead
He has been dead for almost seventeen hundred years
His bones lie buried beneath the sands of what is now called western Turkey
His painted clown-white flesh has slid away and vanished
Rejoined the elements that gave it birth
His jester bells are silent
His comic phalluses forgotten
His jokes are blown like pollen through the empty skulls of those who one time watched him
(each in turn)
All dead
All dead
All dead
All dead
All dead
Whatever truth there is
Whatever quick perception
Whatever ability there is to feel
To leap across the precipice of time
All this exists
Within ourselves
Within this empty space
There are worlds to be opened wide
Come along, come with me
Unafraid, you will see
We will find ourselves inside!
From the horrors of hell
From the horrors of hell
To a state of grace
To a state of grace
All are here, waiting here
All are here, waiting here
Within this empty space
Within this empty space
Within this empty space
Within this empty space
Within this empty space...
Within This Empty Space was written by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt.
Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt released Within This Empty Space on Wed Jan 01 1975.