Wherever in the world
It's relaxing to keep back in the shade
Stay awake now, when things are sharping in
A big old chief there, squeezing it harder
Nag, nag nag
All over this line here
Monday all year long
Ain't no laughting matter
But i just can't help that
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Splitter pinne, splitter pine
I've had enough of traffic jam, and grumpy old bastards looking down
Were all under the whip here
Something tells me i'm all set for paradise and laying on my back just laughting and grining
But i'm singing on a song
A song about
Nag, nag nag
All over this line here
Monday all year long
Ain't no laughting matter
But i just can't help that
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Wherever in the world
It's relaxing to keep back in the shade
Stay awake now, when things are sharping in
A big old chief there, squeezing it harder
(I can't see the point of this here)
Nag, nag nag
All over this line here
Monday all year long
Ain't no laughting matter
But i just can't help that
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Splitter pine, splitter pine
Splitter pine, splitter pine