Originallat is a HipHop group of the TBA – The Bloody Alboz Label. Founded in 2001 in Bronx by members Unikkatil, Presioni, Cyanide, Jeton, Klepto, B52 & N.A.G.
[Intro: Jeton, B52]
What up what up, you know who, you know its the team dawg
Originallat in the place to be, NYC...
What up pussy Boyz
Yo.. We winning..
Originallat, Illyrian Records
Originallat,Presioni, T.B.A
Originallat B52
Originallat Cyanidi Cyanidi
Kliliqili, Kliliqili, NaGizilli, NaGizili, UNE UNE UNE
Pussy Boy
[Opera in background]
[Verse 1: Jetoni]
Hip-Hop, dawg I love this shit
I kill you with the flow man, fire on these beats dawg
Classic, sa her qe tshkelim na nbooth
Ju kthehum n80ten kur HipHopi su kon luft
U kon man atmosfer n'mic me pas aftsi
U kon man kush po blun, qaty per qaty
Senet tash kan ndrru, thjesht u bo mut
Per me nal ket smundje, man na duhet mi mshu trup
Pse pi thu MC, tipi dawg po knon
Pse pi thu ti G man, kur tallava po bon
Pse pi thu ti rrep man, kur tekno tingllon
Kush real shit dawg? kta po emitojn..haa
Ti me mu, ti me mu mu krahasu?!
Ti po flen n'TV haver, e kta i ki mashtrru
Ju ke impnu man, ka veshi i ki qorru man
HipHopi nuk ka dek, hajde ti rri me mu man
[Verse 2: Cyanide]
Qysh koke my G, koke kan bo magji
Nervoz sikur femna jote kur tbohet pa qi
Ka me tbo delete, kariera tu ka finish
Palidhje sikur kanga shqip, edhe english
Je ka fol per swag, e qe pin ti haze
Je ka dokesh qe i ki rrenat teper taze
Hating o shum keq ishalla del pi faze
Nuk ki trru po ki fuqi, instincts vin pi shtaze
E, trupin e ki mush me shprica ilegal
Lil Wayne e Lady Gaga i ki shembull ideal
Jeten mjegull liberal, domethanja literal
Shprehja jem e lir, besimi taboo o radikal........
[Hook: CYANIDE & B52]
Who brough this shit here homie?
This shit you love to do?
Shit that took you to the street?
Shit that without listening you can't go to sleep...
Kush ju shtini me fol me dur?
Kush e pruni ket kultur?
E shabllonin tash qe pi kopjon?
I vetmi grup originall qe nuk imitton..
[Verse 3: Presioni]
Gangsta gangsta, kejt bo bojn
Veq TBA TBA, kejt po thojn
Fiks fiks me Originallat, kejt po dojn
Edhe mangupat ja din vleren, Hip Hopit te vertet
Se ska ndrryshe, real recognize real
Na jem rock and rolla, na jemi kejt ill
Rri mos u sill, se sje ka bon naj mill
Loja osht e jona ju veq boni qill...
[Verse 4: B52]
B52 mu sum ha kari per fam
Un qi pidha pa muzik se e kom karin fort long
Ni her e pergjithmon ta heki at flam
E kur te lyp pidh none un ta qi at nan
Gangsta ju sjeni, shtt mshile gojen
Me kallabllak trrima, e vet jeni dhipa
E shkinat em thirrin mu piqka machina
Thirrem babush, ton diten tu pi kush...
[Verse 5: Klepto]
Qka jon ka dojn huh? kush o ka don?
Sjom une sportist, skom kondicion
Po kom municion, per any morroskon
Biri ktu qa ki dost, mos e le ma VON
Ata qe i ki me veti, sikur i morri deti
Kan me bo turr po ma shpejt se Mesi
Kur ta qkrep Besi, u lodha me kta tipa
Qe sdin qka o rrepi, sdin qka o bita....