Lesss go, lesss go!
[Verse 1]
I'm in the club with the gang
High fucked doing this
Ok ra baghi 100 milli (million) f dash (dashboard)
7/24 *** nta wla lbarage la jitou 9ddami
Katssab9 katjri, Kand7ek mn b3id
B Nike Air katbri
[Beat Switch]
B9iti trappi ghi 3la zodiac 3ndek phobia dyal lktab
Dima m9abl science fyl zodiac mkhebbi rassek katkdeb
Ok dnoubi baghi comptable la ghaytlafli 3la l7ssab
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
Baghi nchouf mama safe "safe"
Baghi flouss machi pain "pain"
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
[High Pitched Hook]
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
Baghi nchouf mama safe "safe"
Baghi flouss machi pain "pain"
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
[Verse 2]
Yeah the time goes on
I'm not the same I know
Gua3 li dar lkhayb ghaydouz lw9t w ghaydir b7alou
[Beat Switch]
Fuck it I get it again
Bnadm ghaymchi w ghaykhelli la caisse
Floor is lava kolchi 9assd la scéne
Floor is lava ghadi ndirou la guerrе
I'll be real 'til I die
Bnadm khayb baghi li la cagе
Kerchi kbira w kan3ti la passe
Trois couleurs kaynin f kolla plaque
Wldi srbi dir la sieste
Soug chi jouj fik la belle et la bete
Khass nkoun bach nsali la fete
Sali chchouf ki kandirou l la pée
Sommek khater 7eyd la paille
Bghiti tchouf jib ghi la cane
Hadchi kit3awd f kolla tar7
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
Baghi nchouf mama safe "safe"
Baghi flouss machi pain "pain"
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
[High Pitched Hook]
Gotta do what it takes "takes"
Baghi nchouf mama safe "safe"
Baghi flouss machi pain "pain"
Gotta do what it takes "takes"