Reading and Writing Nature

Dr. Fassi * Track #1 On Dr. Fassi - Reading and Writing Nature

Reading and Writing Nature Annotated

Welcome to Reading and Writing Nature - A Senior English Elective at St. Stephen's Episcopal School

Noah Binford
Dawn Goodfriend
Anwen He
Laura Henlein
Michelle Hull
Eden Keig
Julia Mewborne
Charles Nicholson
Sam Norwood
Charlie Ozburn
Nikhil Prabala
Carson Rogge
Jonathan Schwartz
Patrick Smith
Martha Torres
Emily Whyburn

Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Nature"
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass (Original 1855 edition).
Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"
Robert Frost, "A Brook in the City"
Wallace Stevens, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"
Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac
Gary Snyder, Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems
John Graves, Goodbye to a River
Jenny Price, "Thirteen Ways of Seeing Nature in L.A."

Creative Non-Fiction Essay
Create a Naturalist's Guide to Nature Writing
A Bioregional Quiz
Podcasting Space and Place
Rhetorical Analysis

Xeno-Canto: Sharing Bird Sounds from Around the World
A map of John Graves's route down the Brazos River.

RAWN 2014 Naturalist Guides to Nature Writing
Noah Binford
Dawn Goodfriend
Anwen He
Laura Henlein
Michelle Hull
Eden Keig
Julia Mewborne
Charles Nicholson
Sam Norwood
Charlie Ozburn
Nikhil Prabala
Carson Rogge
Jonathan Schwartz
Patrick Smith
Martha Torres
Emily Whyburn

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