Томное дыханье без слов
Слышу тиканье часов
Ты исчезнешь утром как сон
Притворись, что любишь
Столько раз хотел уйти
Ночью сбрасывать звонки
Такова цена любви
I see lies
In your eyes
I thought twice
But i will spend every dime
I see pain
On the game
But you ain't for me this time
Money came
You're on the game
Someone's toy
Is my pain
In your eyes i see the price
Please pretend you want to stay
I know the rules I'll pay
I see lies
In your eyes
I thought twice
But i will spend every dime
I see pain
On the game
But you ain't for me this time
All The LIes was written by OWEEK & Антон Токарев (Anton Tokarev).
All The LIes was produced by Стёпа Чихалёв (Stepa Chikhalev).