Young Kidz, is a group managed by Jerry Boii.
November 2014, is when the group started Marzy, Jerry Boii & Fast Max, the 3 most well known kids of YKMG, were talking about making a group, since they know there voices are talented, unlike some artists. Young Kidz group is a group of cousins, and a few kidz that live around JBoii, Marz & Maxy.
They’ve signed people like Kayla Kool, Emma Rose, and Nadtrip, but they never participated, they were supposed show up for their first single get like me, but they didnt, so that has to be rescheduled. Go Subscribe to their channel.
Yung Beat Maker, ft. Family and Friends
anyway there current members are, Jerry Boii, Queen Bri, Marzy, Fast Max, X, Big Zi, Young Rich Noah, Nugget, JT Jr., Jadie, K!ng Jay, Gracie, & Hezzy
Young Kidz's first album YKMG4Ever! released on Sat Mar 18 2017.
The most popular album by Young Kidz's is YKMG4Ever!
Young Kidz's first song We Aint Done released on Thu Jan 01 1970.