2019 saw the release of debut album Family Dinner, produced by Reinhard Vanbergen (Das Pop) and Michael Badger-Taweel (King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard). It turned out a bona fide scorcher, bursting with maliciously grinning energy, while displaying a stunning sense of diversity at the same time. From the dark adrenaline rush of the title track to the Sturm und Drang of Ricochet, Naughty and Tube Spit to the ominous exit which is Sneaky Snake: as far as debuts go, they rarely come as exciting as this. Raving reviews all around. And rightly so. And then there’s the live thing: guitars fuzz, buzz, crash, burn, howl, whimper and roar like dangerous animals on illicit drugs. Often in the same song, which is nice. In the other corner of the ring, the bass monstertrucks itself down a winding road, assisted by a star representative of Powerhouse Drummers ‘R’ Us. It’s a perfect backdrop for the singer, who alternates between metric vocals, Iggyish yelps and husky whispers. Meanwhile, all band members bounce off more imaginary walls than you can shake a stick at, without ever losing control of the sonic storm they’re cooking up. It’s a gripping display of musical aptitude, and the more shows the band put under their belt, the more impressive it becomes. This is SONS. All caps. And rightly so.
Sons's first album Family Dinner released on Fri Apr 19 2019.
The most popular album by Sons's is Family Dinner
The most popular song by Sons's is Waiting on my own
Sons's first song Waiting on my own released on Fri Jul 12 2019.