SIG (an initialism for SoIcy Goth) is an American collective based in Cleveland, Ohio. It was founded by 16yrold in 2016 as Crisis Club and renamed to SIG in 2018.
Members of the collective include:
Sig.Carlito / 16yrold (2016–)
CHXPO (2017–)
Lil Tracy (2018–)
Zelly Ocho (2019–2021, 2021–)
bankrollz (2020–)
David Shawty (2021–)
iON (2021–)
Liam Savage (2021–)
candypain (2021–)
julianpavone (2021–)
KILLKODY (2021–)
SPEEDER (2021–)
utrippin! (2021–)
Nino Andretti (2021–)
SigLaflair (2021–)
Former members include:
Dog (2021–2021)
Skys (2021–2021)