Pokémon is a media franchise owned by The Pokémon Company, and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. It is centered on fictional creatures called “Pokémon,” which humans known as Pokémon Trainers catch and train to battle each other for sport.
The franchise began as a pair of video games for the original Game Boy, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The franchise now spans video games, trading card games, animated television shows and movies, comic books, and toys. Pokémon is the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo’s Mario franchise.
Pokémon's first album Pokémon Ultimate Journeys released on Thu Jan 01 1970.
The most popular album by Pokémon's is Pokémon X: 10 Years of Pokémon
The most popular song by Pokémon's is Pokémon Theme (Gotta Catch ’Em All!)
Pokémon's first song Pokérap released on Tue Jun 29 1999.