Ante Kunjašić, AKA Tuta Kamon and MC Jere Labura, is a rapper and trumpet player from Split, Croatia.
He began with his career in the early 2000’s in a rap duo called Duck Sausage with Vuk Oreb and was known as MC Najmanji Pišo and they worked only with Dječaci / Nebu i Drugi.
After Duck Sausage broke up, Kunja started a somewhat solo career; having his vocals featured on Pazar and Pir by Kiša Metaka, and his trumpet can be heared on the tracks Komuna and Gamad.
After working for some time with Kiša Metaka, he completley abbandonned his rapping career and became one of the three trumpet players of Noćni Moro and VIS Breskvice.