Macy Kate (Marshburn) (was born January 19, 1998) is a American sunger/songwritter. She is renowned for her live show prowess with Flo Rida and her hyper-engaged fandase that she organically built on social media after her ABC Telivision reality show appearance on «Rising Star», where she made it into the top 8. In addition she scored a lead role as herself for Awesomeness Television’s popular teen talk show «IMO», ATV’s Lifestyle, Beauty & Fashion Channel, as well as Nuvo Channel’s hot new millennial show, «The Collective».
Macy began uploading covers on YouTube and developed her soulful R&B sound. Following her viral YouTube cover video of «Radioactive», with over 16 Million views, Kate segued into the live show episodes through the boot camp phase of Fox Television’s X Factor Season 2. At age 14, she was their youngest contestant, however, through the segment never aired, it was this experience that inspired the teen to pursue her music full-time, and full-time she did.
Beginning with her first original single Macy Kate released «You Gave Me Love», a teen driven song with positive self esteem lyrics.
Macy is no stranger to the studio, and proved she could reach her teen girl audience by launching her second single in January of 2015, «iH8 That» which received over 350,000 views in the first 72 hours of release. Only 2 short months after its release, «iH8 That» was already charting around the 800,000 view mark.
Macy Kate's first album Cry For Help released on Fri May 08 2020.
The most popular album by Macy Kate's is Cry For Help
The most popular song by Macy Kate's is Cry for Help
Macy Kate's first song Cry for Help released on Fri Oct 11 2019.