Madoka Kaname is the title character and one of the titular protagonists of the series Madoka Magica alongside Homura Akemi. Madoka is a gentle and kind 14 year old who lives a normal and happy life with a happy and loving family, and a close and supportive friend group. Despite this, Madoka is still plagued with low self-esteem and self worth and wishes to be stronger and useful, as a result of such aspirations, Madoka idolises magical girls after witnessing her senior classmate Mami Tomoe fighting monsters known as witches in order to protect the public.
Madoka appears in most Madoka Magica related media including video games, manga, and novels. Madoka appears as a supporting character in the Magia Record.
The most popular song by 鹿目まどか(CV.悠木碧) (Madoka Kaname (CV. Aoi Yuki))'s is また あした (Mata Ashita)
鹿目まどか(CV.悠木碧) (Madoka Kaname (CV. Aoi Yuki))'s first song また あした (Mata Ashita) released on Wed Apr 27 2011.