

About ​ilyaugust

ilyaugust is a Singer/Songwriter who has recently been gaining attention.

Not much about ilyaugust is known but he did begin making music around 2021 and then gain traction in the same year when he dropped, “Harley Quinn”.

ilyaugust would soon blow up more as he began advertising his music on TikTok, eventually making big hits like “mistakes” and “Pretentious”.

​ilyaugust Q&A
When did ​ilyaugust's first album release?

​ilyaugust's first album ​mistakes released on Sun Nov 13 2022.

What is the most popular album by ​ilyaugust?

The most popular album by ​ilyaugust's is ​mistakes

What is the most popular song by ​ilyaugust?

The most popular song by ​ilyaugust's is Problems

When did ​ilyaugust start making music?

​ilyaugust's first song Affect Me released on Wed Dec 01 2021.

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