“Enpii on earth,” mononymously known as “enpii,” is a Filipino-American singer-songwriter and producer based in Chicago. Best known for his blue-haired anime persona, enpii’s distinct timbre, soft vocals, and ethereal production make for a dreamy, pop soundscape.
Stemming from his training in classical piano, background in creative writing, and self-proclaimed obsession with pop music, enpii debuted on April 15th, 2023, with “what sunflowers do” off his self-produced, 8-track album titled, ‘afterparty,’ a pallete of starry, candy-coated alt-pop textures veiled over dance, trap, and hip-hop elements that narrate enpii’s retrospective journey navigating past relationships.
The most popular song by Enpii on earth's is What sunflowers do
Enpii on earth's first song What sunflowers do released on Wed Apr 05 2023.