Bad Rabbits is an American band from Boston, Massachusetts, founded in September 2007. The band consists of Fredua Boakye (vocals), Sheel Davé (drums), Salim Akram (guitar), Graham Masser (bass), and Santiago Araujo (guitar). All five members of the band originally played in the Boston-based band The Eclectic Collective, which in 2007 they reworked and renamed Bad Rabbits. The band released a demo in 2008 entitled The Bad EP which was followed up by their debut EP, Stick Up Kids, in December 2009. Their first album American Love was released on May 14, 2013, and on July 19, 2014, Bad Rabbits released Dusted – an acoustic EP.
Bad Rabbits's first album Stick Up Kids released on Tue Dec 01 2009.
The most popular album by Bad Rabbits's is Stick Up Kids
The most popular song by Bad Rabbits's is Good Love
Bad Rabbits's first song Advantage Me released on Tue Dec 01 2009.