Alexie ivanovich is Iranian rapper, song writer and painter. She was born in May 5th 1996 in Isfahan, in book lover family. She first introduced to world of litreture at very young age and loved to read and recite poems and classical litreture like jack london and isaac asimoph. She continued reading and began writing when she was 13 and wrote her first book called “bitter berry” or “tameshke talkh” in dedication to sadegh hedayat whom influenced her litreture and mind very much on that time. In addition to literature, she was attracted by painting and started to use and try different materials and styles of painting by herself. By the age 14 she start listening to hiphop and constantly became enthusiasted by the power of rhymes and beat. She entered university in Computer engineering and in years, Art and Music was undetachable part of her life. In 2017 she left school and start to work as a serious artist in fields she always wanted to explore and create. She has participate in two group painting exibitions and by the year 2018 she began her career as a hiphop artist. Her poems show her warrior spirit and invite people for consciousness and rebuild.